有时它可以工作(我还没有迭代过最佳),有时我会收到错误:ValueError: cannot set a Timestamp with a non-timestamp
''' Program to find three periods of vacation of varying length that does not start in a weekend or holiday'''
from datetime import date
from random import randint, choice
import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.holiday import Holiday, AbstractHolidayCalendar
class Brazil(AbstractHolidayCalendar):
# Brazilian official holidays for 2018
rules = [Holiday('Universal', year=2018, month=1, day=1), Holiday('Carnaval', year=2018, month=2, day=12),
Holiday('Carnaval', year=2018, month=2, day=13), Holiday('Carnaval', year=2018, month=2, day=14),
Holiday('Paixão', year=2018, month=3, day=30), Holiday('Tiradentes', year=2018, month=4, day=21),
Holiday('Trabalho', year=2018, month=5, day=1), Holiday('Christi', year=2018, month=5, day=31),
Holiday('Independência', year=2018, month=9, day=7), Holiday('Aparecida', year=2018, month=10, day=12),
Holiday('Servidor', year=2018, month=10, day=28), Holiday('Finados', year=2018, month=11, day=2),
Holiday('República', year=2018, month=11, day=15), Holiday('Natal', year=2018, month=12, day=25)]
class Working:
# Initiates a calendar for 2018 as a pandas DataFrame. Includes holidays and weekends as 'not_working' = True
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.cal = Brazil()
self.df = pd.DataFrame()
self.df['date'] = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end)
self.holidays = self.cal.holidays(start=start, end=end)
self.df['not_working'] = self.df.date.apply(lambda x: x.dayofweek == 5 or x.dayofweek == 6
or x in self.holidays)
def total_working_days(self):
# Calculates total working days
print('Total working days this configuration is {} days'.format(sum(self.df['not_working'] == False)))
def apply_vacation(self, d, offset=0):
# Turns sequential number of days of 'not_working' into True
self.df.loc[self.df['date'] == d, 'not_working'] = True
if offset != 0:
for i in range(offset):
self.df.loc[self.df['date'] == (d + pd.Timedelta(days=(i + 1))), 'not_working'] = True
def find_starting_day(self):
# Finds a random 'not_working' day set to False which means a good day to start the vacation.
selected = choice(self.df['date']).date()
if self.df.loc[self.df['date'] == selected, 'not_working'].iloc[0] == True:
print('Selected day for this vacation period start is: {}'.format(selected))
return selected
def schedule(self, pack):
# Distributes 30 days of vacation within three different periods
for each in pack:
d = self.find_starting_day()
self.apply_vacation(d, each)
def three_periods():
# Selects three periods that add up to 30 days
a = randint(1, 28)
b = randint(1, 29 - a)
c = 30 - a - b
print('Division of days is {}, {} and {}'.format(a, b, c))
return a, b, c
if "__main__" == __name__:
first_day = date(2018, 1, 1)
final_day = date(2018, 12, 31)
leisure = Working(first_day, final_day)
a, b, c = three_periods()
leisure.schedule((a, b, c))