我对这个特定的项目有一个完整的创意块,并且在我的生活中无法找到一种更有效的方法,如果需要进一步的标准,那将更容易扩展。< / p>
不需要&#34; IsEmpty&#34;并且可以用任何布尔或者字符串,整数或任何其他情况结果替换。
Select Case IsEmpty(x) & IsEmpty(y) & IsEmpty(z)
Case Is = True & True & True
'do stuff
Case Is = False & True & True
'do stuff
Case Is = True & False & True
'do stuff
Case Is = True & True & False
'do stuff
Case is = False & False & True
'do stuff
End Select
Public Sub SearchStuff()
Dim book As Workbook
Dim shResult As Worksheet
Dim shSource As Worksheet
Set book = ThisWorkbook
Set shResult = book.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set shSource = book.Worksheets("Sheet2")
shResult.EnableCalculation = False
'Parameters avaiable to search with
Dim param1 As Range
Dim param2 As Range
Dim param3 As Range
Set param1 = shResult.Range("A1")
Set param2 = shResult.Range("A2")
Set param3 = shResult.Range("A3")
'Boolean expressions of whether or not the above parameters are being used
Dim isUsedParam1 As Boolean
Dim isUsedParam2 As Boolean
Dim isUsedParam3 As Boolean
isUsedParam1 = Not IsEmpty(param1)
isUsedParam2 = Not IsEmpty(param2)
isUsedParam3 = Not IsEmpty(param3)
Dim lastSearchRow As Long
lastSearchRow = shSource.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim rngSearch As Range
Set rngSearch = shSource.Range("A2:A" & lastSearchRow)
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rngOutput As Range
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim noSearchCriteriaProvided As Boolean
Dim firstSectionToCopy As Range
Dim secondSectionToCopy As Range
Dim thirdSectionToCopy As Range
Dim loopingCell As Range
For Each loopingCell In rngSearch
If noSearchCriteriaProvided = True Then
MsgBox "No search criteria provided." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please select at least one criteria to search for and try again.", , "Whoopsie!"
Exit Sub
End If
lastRow = shResult.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngOutput = shResult.Range("B" & lastRow + 1)
If CheckParams(isUsedDU, isUsedELR, isUsedNUM, isUsedFault, isUsedMil, loopingCell, shResult, noSearchCriteriaProvided) = True Then
Set firstSectionToCopy = shSource.Range("A" & loopingCell.Row, "C" & loopingCell.Row)
Set secondSectionToCopy = shSource.Range("E" & loopingCell.Row, "I" & loopingCell.Row)
Set thirdSectionToCopy = shSource.Range("K" & loopingCell.Row, "M" & loopingCell.Row)
Set rngToCopy = Union(firstSectionToCopy, secondSectionToCopy, thirdSectionToCopy)
rngToCopy.Copy Destination:=rngOutput
End If
shResult.EnableCalculation = True
End Sub
Public Function CheckParams(isUsedParam1 As Boolean, isUsedParam2 As Boolean, isUsedParam3 As Boolean, loopingCell As Range, shResult As Worksheet, noSearchCriteriaProvided As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim arraySize As Long
arraySize = 0
Dim myArray() As String
Dim funcTitle As String
Dim modTitle As String
ReDim myArray(0)
If isUsedParam1 = True Then
arraySize = arraySize + 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(arraySize - 1)
myArray(arraySize - 1) = "CheckForParam1Match"
End If
If isUsedParam2 = True Then
arraySize = arraySize + 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(arraySize - 1)
myArray(arraySize - 1) = "CheckForParam2Match"
End If
If isUsedParam3 = True Then
arraySize = arraySize + 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(arraySize - 1)
myArray(arraySize - 1) = "CheckForParam3Match"
End If
If myArray(0) = vbNullString Then
noSearchCriteriaProvided = True
Exit Function
End If
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
funcTitle = myArray(i)
modTitle = "Search."
If Application.Run(modTitle & funcTitle, loopingCell, shResult) = False Then
Exit Function
End If
CheckParams = True
End Function
Function CheckForParam1Match(loopingCell As Range, shResult As Worksheet) As Boolean
Dim param1 As Range
Set param1 = shResult.Range("A1")
If loopingCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = param1.Value Then
CheckForDUMatch = True
End If
End Function
Function CheckForParam2Match(loopingCell As Range, shResult As Worksheet) As Boolean
Dim param2 As Range
Set param2 = shResult.Range("A2")
If loopingCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = param2.Value Then
CheckForELRMatch = True
End If
End Function
Function CheckForParam3Match(loopingCell As Range, shResult As Worksheet) As Boolean
Dim param3 As Range
Set param3 = shResult.Range("A3")
If loopingCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = param3.Value Then
CheckForNUMMatch = True
End If
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:5)
有6个单独的标准,每个标准可以独立为 true 或 false ,就像有一个六位二进制数:
准备一些代码来计算一个整数变量(N),如果所有标准 false 到63,如果所有标准都为真,则其值为0。 强>
与每个值相关联的是一个宏(如 Macro0 , Macro1 等)。那么你需要的就是:
Application.Run "Macro" & N
答案 1 :(得分:4)
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim boolA As Boolean
Dim boolB As Boolean
Dim boolC As Boolean
boolA = True
boolB = False
boolC = False
Dim combined As Long
combined = BooleanToBits(boolA, boolB, boolC)
Debug.Print "combined flags = " & combined
Debug.Print "should be 5 = "; BooleanToBits(True, False, True)
Debug.Print "should be 7 = "; BooleanToBits(True, True, True)
Debug.Print "should be 3 = "; BooleanToBits(False, True, True)
Debug.Print "should be 22 = "; BooleanToBits(True, False, True, True, False)
End Sub
Function BooleanToBits(ParamArray flag()) As Long
'--- based on the number of boolean flags passed as parameters, this
' function determines how many bits to use and converts each value
' left-to-right: flag1=highest bit...flagN=lowest bit (1's place)
Dim numBits As Long
Dim setBit As Long
numBits = UBound(flag)
Dim i As Long
Dim result As Long
For i = LBound(flag) To UBound(flag)
setBit = 2 ^ numBits
If flag(i) = True Then
result = result + setBit
'--- it's already zero, so leave it
End If
numBits = numBits - 1
Next i
BooleanToBits = result
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:1)
您似乎遇到了Select Case
表达式IsEmpty(x) & IsEmpty(y) & IsEmpty(z)
同样,案例标签在您撰写时也是如此,例如Case Is = True, True, True
表示“如果表达式Is =