
时间:2018-04-23 03:30:19

标签: java minecraft minecraft-forge

在我的mod中,我更新了特定列的生物群系。它似乎工作得很好 - 生物群系立即改变。冰原变成地狱,雪傀儡死亡,猪人产卵。但是,F3调试屏幕不会更新,草的颜色也不会改变。


FWIW - 这是进行更改的方法。

private static void setBiome (WorldServer world, BlockPos center, int radius, byte biomeID) {
    // First create a list of chunks that include the full radius
    int minX = center.getX() - radius;
    int maxX = center.getX() + radius;
    int minZ = center.getZ() - radius;
    int maxZ = center.getZ() + radius;

    for (int x=(int)Math.floor(minX/16D); x<=(int)Math.floor(maxX/16D); x++) {
        for (int z=(int)Math.floor(minZ/16D); z<=(int)Math.floor(maxZ/16D); z++) {
            byte[] biomeArray = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x,z).getBiomeArray();
            //Second crawl through the array comparing each one to the inside of the radius
            for (int i = 0; i < biomeArray.length; i++) {
                int arrX = Math.floorMod(i,16)+16*x;
                int arrZ = (int)Math.floor(i/16)+16*z;
                  if (minX <= arrX && arrX <=maxX && minZ <= arrZ && arrZ <= maxZ) {
                    //Do the biome change
                     world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x,z).getBiomeArray()[i] = biomeID;


运行forgeSrc 2655 for 1.12.2

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