我正在查看调试器控制台,但我没有看到任何日志来帮助我诊断正在发生的事情。在将react-native-firebase从v3升级到v4 https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase/releases之前,我的项目工作正常。单步执行代码或代码本身不会出现任何错误。
在我理解错误可能是什么之前,我对使用react-native-firebase项目记录问题犹豫不决 - 以及这是否是一个简单的错误。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
add an Exception breakpoint: by going to the breakpoint tab (command + 8) and the click the add "+" button on the bottom left corner and click on Exception breakpoint - all exceptions.
That will pause the code exactly were the exception is being raced therefore you will be able to see the line of code that it is causing the crash.