返回{id: "1"}
时,params正确地转换为整数{id: 1}
答案 0 :(得分:5)
path: '/user/:userId',
component: UserProfile,
props: (route) => {
const userId = Number.parseInt(route.params.userId, 10)
if (Number.isNaN(userId)) {
return 0
return { userId }
link vue路由器文档,这是在功能模式下
答案 1 :(得分:1)
function paramsToPropsCaster(mapping) {
return function(route) {
let nameType = Object.entries(mapping); // [[param1, Number], [param2, String]]
let nameRouteParam = nameType.map(([name, fn]) => [name, fn(route.params[name])]); // [[param1, 1], [param2, "hello"]]
let props = Object.fromEntries(nameRouteParam); // {param1: 1, param2: "hello"}
return props;
path: '/projects/:param1/editor/:param2',
component: ProjectEditor,
name: 'project-editor',
props: paramsToPropsCaster({'param1': Number, 'param2': String}),
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Vue Router 似乎没有为此提供快捷方式,所以我想出了自己的快捷方式。下面的 castParams
函数生成一个内置指定类型转换的 props 函数。我为整数和布尔值添加了转换,但您可以轻松地将其扩展为您想要转换的任何其他类型。
// casts should be an object where the keys are params that might appear in the route, and the values specify how to cast the parameters
const castParams = (casts) => {
return (route) => {
const props = {};
for (var key in route.params) {
const rawValue = route.params[key];
const cast = casts[key];
if (rawValue == null) {
// Don't attempt to cast null or undefined values
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (cast == null) {
// No cast specified for this parameter
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (cast == 'integer') {
// Try to cast this parameter as an integer
const castValue = Number.parseInt(rawValue, 10);
props[key] = isNaN(castValue) ? rawValue : castValue;
} else if (cast == 'boolean') {
// Try to cast this parameter as a boolean
if (rawValue === 'true' || rawValue === '1') {
props[key] = true;
} else if (rawValue === 'false' || rawValue === '0') {
props[key] = false;
} else {
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (typeof(cast) == 'function') {
// Use the supplied function to cast this param
props[key] = cast(rawValue);
} else {
console.log("Unexpected route param cast", cast);
props[key] = rawValue;
return props;
path: '/contact/:contactId',
component: 'contact-details-page',
props: castParams({contactId: 'integer'}),
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我更喜欢 Rodener Dajes 的回答,并在组件内而不是在路由定义中处理类型转换和验证:
props: {
id: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
path: '/job/:id',
name: 'Job',
component: InvoiceJobDetail,
props: true
答案 4 :(得分:0)
这是我在我的项目中所做的 - 请注意,以 ID
结尾的路由参数或参数 id
本身会自动转换为 Number
,因此在我的情况下,我只需要在我几乎所有的路线中都设置了 props: typedProps(),
* Casts props into proper data types.
* Props ending in 'ID' and the prop 'id' are cast to Number automatically.
* To cast other props or override the defaults, pass a mapping like this:
* @example
* // Truthy values like 'true', 'yes', 'on' and '1' are converted to Boolean(true)
* {
* path: '/:isNice/:age/:hatSize',
* name: 'foo route',
* props: typedProps({ isNice: Boolean, age: Number, hatSize: Number}),
* },
* @param {Object} mapping
* @returns
const typedProps = (mapping) => {
if (!mapping) {
mapping = {}
return (route) => {
let props = {}
for (let [prop, value] of Object.entries(route.params)) {
if (prop in mapping) {
if (mapping[prop] === Boolean) {
value = ['true', '1', 'yes', 'on'].includes(value.toLowerCase())
} else {
value = mapping[prop](value)
} else if (prop === 'id' || prop.endsWith('ID')) {
value = Number(value)
props[prop] = value
return props
答案 5 :(得分:-1)
props: {