on recurseFolders_runSubroutine(thisItem, subName, subParameters, notify)
global itemcount
set itemcount to itemcount + 1
on error
set itemcount to 1
end try
tell application "Finder"
if notify then display notification ("Recursing into folder ") & name of thisItem with title "Entering Folder"
if kind of thisItem is "Folder" then
set subItems to every item in thisItem
set countItems to count subItems
repeat with i from 1 to countItems
set subItem to item i of subItems
my recurseFolders_runSubroutine(subItem, subName, subParameters, notify, itemcount)
end repeat
-- tell script ("subName" & .scpt) to [call subroutine named subName with the parameters, presumably passed in a list]
end if
end tell
end recurseFolders_runSubroutine