并执行命令inc BX
答案 0 :(得分:1)
0xFFFF + 1 = 0x10000并且您将结果存储到16位寄存器中,因此它被截断为0x0000(结果至少需要17位以避免截断)。
就像你mov bx,0x8000
add bx,0x8000
时一样 - > bx == 0x0000。
在这种零结果的情况下,两者都将设置ZF = 1,但只有add
将修改CF = 1.
add/adc x,1
与inc x
和sub/sbb x,1
与dec x
之间的这种不一致是英特尔工程师故意设计的,允许简单创建两个指令协同工作的循环, inc/dec
; 16 bit x86 real mode code, will do "destination += source;"
; ds:si = source integer, ds:di = destination integer
; cx = length in words of integers (bytes = 2*cx)
; modifies all involved registers and ax
clc ; clear carry flag to not affect result of addition
lodsw ; ax = another word of source integer, si+=2
adc [di], ax ; destination_word += source_word + carry
; this did also set new carry for next word, so it must be preserved
lea di,[di+2] ; advance also di by 2, with LEA to preserve carry
dec cx ; test if all word have been processed (preserves carry)
jnz add_loop ; but zero flag is being set by the `dec` = loop condition
ret ; here the long integers addition is done