我有一个带有两个输入字段的div,我想在使用jquery填充两个字段时再次显示此div。 这两个文件的同一个div显示下一个数据。这个过程一直持续到条件不错。

#include <tuple>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
template <typename ... TL>
struct TemplatedType
{ std::tuple<TL...> t; };
void myHelper2 (std::istream &)
{ }
template <typename ... TS>
void myHelper2 (std::istream &, char const, TS && ...);
template <typename T, typename ... TS>
void myHelper2 (std::istream &, T &, TS && ...);
template <typename ... TS>
void myHelper2 (std::istream & is, std::string & s, char const & delim,
TS && ... ts)
std::getline(is, s, delim);
myHelper2(is, std::forward<TS>(ts)...);
template <typename ... TS>
void myHelper2 (std::istream & is, char const ch, TS && ... ts)
char ch2;
is >> ch2;
// check if `ch` == `ch2`? exception otherwise?
myHelper2(is, std::forward<TS>(ts)...);
template <typename T, typename ... TS>
void myHelper2 (std::istream & is, T & t, TS && ... ts)
is >> t;
myHelper2(is, std::forward<TS>(ts)...);
template <typename ... TL, std::size_t ... IL>
void myHelper1 (std::istream & is,
TemplatedType<TL...> const & sp,
std::index_sequence<IL...> const &)
{ myHelper2(is, std::get<IL>(sp.t)...); }
template <typename ... TL>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & is,
TemplatedType<TL...> const & sp)
myHelper1(is, sp, std::index_sequence_for<TL...>{});
return is;
template <typename ... TL>
TemplatedType<TL...> mySplit (TL && ... al)
{ return { std::forward_as_tuple(al...) }; }
int main ()
std::istringstream iss("alpha:=10/50.1");
std::string x;
int y{};
double z{};
iss >> mySplit(x, ':', '=', y, '/', z);
std::cout << "- x: " << x << std::endl; // print alpha
std::cout << "- y: " << y << std::endl; // print 10
std::cout << "- z: " << z << std::endl; // print 50.1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
将jQuery clone(true)功能与append()一起使用。 true
$('.med, .pon').blur (function () {
//get input-values
var input1 = $(this).parent ().find ('.med').val ();
var input2 = $(this).parent ().find ('.pon').val ();
//check if both values not empty
if (input1 != '' && input2 != '') {
//clone div and reset inputs.
var new_div = $(this).parent ().clone (true);
new_div.find ('.med').val ('');
new_div.find ('.pon').val ('');
//append clone to body
$('body').append (new_div);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="btn-group form-inline medicine_fields">
<input type="text" list="medicines" name="medicines" class="form-control med" />
<datalist id="medicines">
<option value="">--select or write--</option>
<option value="abc">abc</option>
<option value="abc">dec</option>
<label style="margin-left:20px">Potency</label>
<input type="text" list="potency" class="form-control pon" />
<datalist id="potency">
<option value="">--select or write--</option>
<option value="abc">abc</option>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
$(document).on('blur', '.med, .pon', function(e) {
var triggerParent = $(this).closest('[id^="medicine_fields"]'),
input1 = triggerParent.find(".med").val(),
input2 = triggerParent.find(".pon").val();
if(input1 != '' && input2 != ''){
var parent = $(this).parents('form'), // change this to the wrapping element where the new fields should be.
count = parent.find('[id^="medicine_fields"]').length,
html = $("#medicine_fields").clone().attr('id', 'medicine_fields_'+(count+1));
html.find('datalist, input').val(''); // reset values