python discord bot事件无法正常工作

时间:2018-04-12 05:49:35

标签: python

我的距离计算器事件无效。 它应该(如果工作)计算两个地方之间的距离,并给出一个消息,玩家应该等待多长时间,直到他去那里(口袋妖怪相关) 没有给我错误它只是什么都没做。 我尝试了不同的东西,但似乎没有工作。 有人可以帮帮我吗?太棒了!

from discord.ext import commands
import discord
import gpxpy.geo
import math
import asyncio

client = discord.Client(command_prefix='kaikai*')

async def on_ready():
    print("Logged in as:")
    print("Ready to use!")

async def on_message(message) :
    if == client.user:
    elif message.content.startswith("kaikai*test") :
        await client.send_message(, "BOT READY!")

class Distance:
    """Calculate the distance between two coordinates."""
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    async def distance(self, ctx, *, message):
        """Calculate the distance between two coordinates and also provide you with a cooldown time."""
        # Your code will go here

        def error_embed_1(self):
                description="Not enough data given. Did you give 4 different coordinates, seperated by spaces?",

            return embed
        def error_embed_2(self):
                description="Your message is invalid. Please use this format\n``!distance <num1> <num2> <num3> <num4>``\nWhich would look like this: ``!distance 51.301597 -0.598019 51.270664 -0.594132``",
            return embed

        def calc_embed(msg, msg2):
                description=" ",
                name="**Calculated Distance:**",
                value="{} Kilometers".format(msg),
                name="**Cooldown Timer:**",
                value="{} ".format(msg2),
            return embed

        def calculate(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
            dist = gpxpy.geo.haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
            dist = dist/1000
            dist = round(dist, 2)

            return dist

        def cooldown(dist):
            time = " "

            if dist >= 1500:
                time = "120 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1403 and dist <= 1500:
                time = "120 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1344 and dist <= 1403:
                time = "119 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1300 and dist <= 1344:
                time = "117 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1221 and dist <= 1300:
                time = "112 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1180 and dist <= 1221:
                time = "109 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1020 and dist <= 1180:
                time = "101 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1007 and dist <= 1020:
                time = "97 minutes"

            elif dist >= 948 and dist <= 1007:
                time = "94 minutes"

            elif dist >= 897 and dist <= 948:
                time = "90 minutes"

            elif dist >= 839 and dist <= 897:
                time = "88 minutes"

            elif dist >= 802 and dist <= 839:
                time = "83 minutes"

            elif dist >= 751 and dist <= 802:
                time = "81 minutes"

            elif dist >= 700 and dist <= 751:
                time = "76 minutes"

            elif dist >= 650 and dist <= 700:
                time = "73 minutes"

            elif dist >= 600 and dist <= 650:
                time = "69 minutes"

            elif dist >= 550 and dist <= 600:
                time = "65 minutes"

            elif dist >= 500 and dist <= 550:
                time = "61 minutes"

            elif dist >= 450 and dist <= 500:
                time = "58 minutes"

            elif dist >= 400 and dist <= 450:
                time = "54 minutes"

            elif dist >= 350 and dist <= 400:
                time = "49 minutes"

            elif dist >= 328 and dist <= 350:
                time = "48 minutes"

            elif dist >= 300 and dist <= 328:
                time = "46 minutes"

            elif dist >= 250 and dist <= 300:
                time = "41 minutes"

            elif dist >= 201 and dist <= 250:
                time = "36 minutes"

            elif dist >= 175 and dist <= 201:
                time = "33 minutes"

            elif dist >= 150 and dist <= 175:
                time = "31 minutes"

            elif dist >= 125 and dist <= 150:
                time = "28 minutes"

            elif dist >= 100 and dist <= 125:
                time = "26 minutes"

            elif dist >= 90 and dist <= 100:
                time = "24 minutes"

            elif dist >= 80 and dist <= 90:
                time = "23 minutes"

            elif dist >= 70 and dist <= 80:
                time = "22 minutes"

            elif dist >= 60 and dist <= 70:
                time = "21 minutes"

            elif dist >= 50 and dist <= 60:
                time = "20 minutes"

            elif dist >= 45 and dist <= 50:
                time = "19 minutes"

            elif dist >= 40 and dist <= 45:
                time = "18 minutes"

            elif dist >= 35 and dist <= 40:
                time = "17 minutes"

            elif dist >= 30 and dist <= 35:
                time = "16 minutes"

            elif dist >= 25 and dist <= 30:
                time = "14 minutes"

            elif dist >= 20 and dist <= 25:
                time = "11 minutes"

            elif dist >= 15 and dist <= 20:
                time = "8 minutes"

            elif dist >= 10 and dist <= 15:
                time = "6 minutes"

            elif dist >= 8 and dist <= 10:
                time = "4 minutes"

            elif dist >= 5 and dist <= 8:
                time = "3 minutes"

            elif dist >= 4 and dist <= 5:
                time = "2 minutes"

            elif dist >= 3 and dist <= 4:
                time = "2 minutes"

            elif dist >= 2 and dist <= 3:
                time = "1 minutes"

            elif dist and dist <= 1:
                time = "48 seconds"

            return time

        bool = True
        List = str(message)
        var = List.split(" ")
            lat1 = float(var[0])
            long1 = float(var[1])

            lat2 = float(var[2])
            long2 = float(var[3])

        except IndexError:
            msg = error_embed_1(self)
            bool = False
        except ValueError:
            msg = error_embed_2(self)
            bool = False

        if bool == True:
            calc = calculate(long1, lat1, long2, lat2)
            cooldown = cooldown(calc)
            msg = calc_embed(calc, cooldown)
        await client.send(embed=msg)"mytokenhere")

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

尝试将所有git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset https.proxy 更改为@client.async_event。您可以在示例here中看到这是正确的用法。

由于您有@client.event事件,您必须指定必须处理命令。这是通过在on_message事件中调用process_commands(message)来完成的。默认情况下不会这样做。 on_message分支的文档为here,而重写分支的文档为here

你创建的async类也没有加载(据我所知,如果我错了请纠正我)。我建议将其移动到单独的文件中,然后将其加载到主bot文件中。下面是如何完成此操作的示例,其中Distance是运行bot的主文件,bot.py包含带有cog.py命令的示例类。 add还包含bot.py事件和on_message,以说明其使用情况。




from discord.ext import commands

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')


async def on_ready():
    print('client ready')

async def ping():
    await client.say('Pong')

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content == 'Hello'
        await client.send_message(, 'Hello')

    await client.process_commands(message)'TOKEN')