Select cno, cname
from customer
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Select cno, cname
from customer
where cno in
select cno
from salesorder
where ono in
select ono
from orderline
where bno in (select bno from book where bname = 'Financial Accounting')
and cno in
select cno
from salesorder
where ono in
select ono
from orderline
where bno in (select bno from book where bname = 'Cost Accounting')
Rob M的解决方案更优雅,而上述查询应该更符合您迄今为止所学到的知识。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
select cno,cname from customer where cno in (
select o.cno
from salesorder o
inner join orderline ol on o.ono=ol.ono
inner join book b on b.bno=ol.bno
where b.bname in ('Financial Accounting', 'Cost Accounting')
group by o.cno
having count(distinct b.bno) = 2 -- Require both separate books, not 2 of one book or the other
以下是SQL Server中的完整示例:
declare @book table (bno int, bname varchar(50))
insert @book (bno,bname) values
(10501,'Forensic Accounting')
,(10704,'Financial Accounting')
,(10933,'Cost Accounting')
declare @orderline table (ono int, bno int)
insert @orderline (ono,bno) VALUES
declare @salesorder table (ono int, cno int)
insert @salesorder (ono,cno) VALUES
declare @customer table (cno int, cname varchar(20))
insert @customer (cno,cname) values
select cno,cname from @customer where cno in (
select o.cno
from @salesorder o
inner join @orderline ol on o.ono=ol.ono
inner join @book b on b.bno=ol.bno
where b.bname in ('Financial Accounting', 'Cost Accounting')
group by o.cno
having count(distinct b.bno) = 2 -- Require both separate books, not 2 of one book or the other