locationName pickRouteOrder ispickable itemnumber
Loc1 124 1 10-001
Loc2 126 0 10-001
Loc3 128 1 10-002
Loc4 130 0 10-004
Loc44 136 0 10-004
Loc5 131 1 10-007
Loc6 133 1 10-008
需要的结果: Foreach itemnumber,应该只有一个ispickable = 1的记录。 如果Ispickable = 0,则显示No Loc。 记录总数也等于不同项目编号的总数。 例如,在上表中,有5个不同的项目编号(10-001,10-002,10-004,10-007,10-008)。 所以结果表中应该有5条记录。
Resultant table :
locationName pickRouteOrder itemnumber
Loc1 124 10-001
Loc3 128 10-002
No Loc 130 10-004
Loc5 131 10-007
Loc6 133 10-008
答案 0 :(得分:3)
coalesce( max(case when ispickable = 1 then locationName
else null end ), 'no loc') as locationName,
min( pickRouteOrder ) pickRouteOrder,
from test
group by itemnumber
当项目有多个记录且具有最小pickRouteOrder的记录不可选择时(ispickable = 0),上述内容不会生成预期输出。 请尝试下面的内容(修改自Gordon Linoff的答案):
select locationName, pickRouteOrder, itemnumber
from test
where ispickable = 1
union all
select 'no loc', min(pickRouteOrder), itemnumber -- use group by to eliminate multiple non-pickable records
from test t
where ispickable = 0 and
not exists (select 1 from test t2 where t2.itemnumber = t.itemnumber
and t2.ispickable = 1)
group by itemnumber;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
select locationName, pickRouteOrder, itemnumber
from t
where ispickable = 1
union all
select 'no loc', pickRouteOrder, itemnumber
from t
where ispickable = 0 and
not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.itemnumber = t.itemnumber and t2.ispackable = 1);