From To
[time] clock time
[year] twelvemonth, yr
[people] None
[way] means, agency
[lily] flower
[man] homo, human being, human
[man] adult male, male
[case] instance, example
[case] lawsuit, suit, cause, causa
[case] display case, showcase, vitrine
我想要的是将它从 TO 列中的“,”拆分,并为每个条目创建单独的行,以便预期的输出
From To
[time] clock time
[year] twelvemonth
[year] yr
[people] None
[way] means
[way] agency
[lily] flower
[man] homo
[man] human being
[man] human
[man] adult male
[man] male
[case] instance
[case] example
[case] lawsuit
[case] suit
[case] cause
[case] causa
[case] display case
[case] showcase
[case] vitrine
我的数据采用Dataframe格式 我试过这个,但这没有帮助
b = pd.concat([pd.Series(row['From'], row['To'].split(','))
for _, row in df.iterrows()]).reset_index()