
时间:2018-04-08 23:24:22

标签: c++ variable-assignment prefix infix-notation


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int prefixExpr(istream &exprStream);

int main() {
string input;
cout << "Enter prefix expressions to evaluate. \nPress enter after each expression, and press enter on a blank line  to quit." << endl;
cout << "Enter a prefix expression to evaluate: ";
getline(cin, input);
while (input.size() != 0){
    istringstream exprStream(input);
    cout << prefixExpr(exprStream) << endl;
    cout << "Enter a prefix expression to evaluate: ";
    getline(cin, input);
return 0;

int prefixExpr(istream &exprStream) {
char ch = exprStream.peek();
while (isspace(ch)) {
    ch = exprStream.get();
    ch = exprStream.peek();
cout << ch << endl;

if (isdigit(ch)) {
    int number;
    exprStream >> number;

    cout << number << endl;

    return number;
else {
    ch = exprStream.get();

    int value1 = prefixExpr(exprStream);
    int value2 = prefixExpr(exprStream);

    switch (ch) {
    case '+': return value1 + value2;
    case '-': return value1 - value2;
    case '*': return value1 * value2;
    case '/': return value1 / value2;
    default: cout << "Bad input expression";

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