
时间:2011-02-11 17:11:29

标签: sql oracle oracle11g




实施例: 所以我有一个包含行的表:

1 a b c d e f g h i j k l
2 a x c d e x g h y j k l
3 a b x d e x g h x y k z


1 c f i j l
3 x x x y z



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


旋转后,您只能选择那些具有row1_pivoted <> row2_pivoted


答案 1 :(得分:2)



With Inputs As
    Select 1 As Col1,'a' As Col2,'b' As Col3,'c' As Col4,'d' As Col5,'e' As Col6,'f' As Col7,'g' As Col8,'h' As Col9,'i' As Col10,'j' As Col11,'k' As Col12,'l' As Col13
    Union All Select 2,'a','x','c','d','e','x','g','h','y','j','k','l'
    Union All Select 3,'a','b','x','d','e','x','g','h','x','y','k','z'
    , TransposedInputs As
    Select Col1, 2 As ColNum, Col2 As Value From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 3, Col3 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 4, Col4 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 5, Col5 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 6, Col6 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 7, Col7 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 8, Col8 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 9, Col9 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 10, Col10 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 11, Col11 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 12, Col12 From Inputs
    Union All Select Col1, 13, Col13 From Inputs
    , UniqueValues As
    Select Min(Col1) As Col1, ColNum, Value
    From TransposedInputs
    Where Col1 In(1,3)
    Group By ColNum, Value
    Having Count(*) = 1
Select Col1
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 2 Then Value End ) As Col2
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 3 Then Value End ) As Col3
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 4 Then Value End ) As Col4
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 5 Then Value End ) As Col5
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 6 Then Value End ) As Col6
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 7 Then Value End ) As Col7
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 8 Then Value End ) As Col8
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 9 Then Value End ) As Col9
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 10 Then Value End ) As Col10
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 11 Then Value End ) As Col11
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 12 Then Value End ) As Col12
    , Min( Case When ColNum = 13 Then Value End ) As Col13
From UniqueValues
Group By Col1


Col1 | Col2      | Col3      | Col4  | Col5      | Col6      | Col7  | Col8      | Col9      | Col10 | Col11 | Col12     | Col13
1   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   c   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   f   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   i   |   j   |   NULL    |   l
3   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   x   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   x   |   NULL    |   NULL    |   x   |   y   |   NULL    |   z

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  1. a b c
  2. d e f
  3. a b c
  4. 并且您只想返回'd e f'行,因为它在其他位置没有重复的行?

答案 3 :(得分:0)


您可能对Unpivot运算符感兴趣。这样可以将列作为行返回。 我自己还没有体验过它,所以不幸的是我无法帮助你:/



select *
  from inputs;

 ID C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
--- -- -- -- -- -- --
  1  a  b  c  d  e  f
  2  a  x  c  d  e  x
  3  a  b  x  d  e  x 

with unpivoted as(
  select id, 'c1'  as cn, c1  as cv from inputs union all
  select id, 'c2'  as cn, c2  as cv from inputs union all
  select id, 'c3'  as cn, c3  as cv from inputs union all
  select id, 'c4'  as cn, c4  as cv from inputs union all
  select id, 'c5'  as cn, c5  as cv from inputs union all
  select id, 'c6'  as cn, c6  as cv from inputs
select cn
      ,max(case when id = 1 then cv end) as id1
      ,max(case when id = 3 then cv end) as id3
  from unpivoted
 where id in(1,3)
    by cn
 having count(distinct cv) = 2;

-- --- ---
c3   c   x
c6   f   x

以上工作通过为每列和ID创建一行(2 * 6 = 12行) 然后我按列名称分组(指定为文字)。 我总会得到6组(每列一组)。在每组中,我将有两行(每个选定的ID一个) 在having子句中,我计算列的唯一值的数量。如果行具有相同的值,则唯一值的数量= 1.否则我们会出现不匹配。

注意1. id in(x,y)被推入视图中,因此我们选择整个表格。
注2.这不能扩展到比较2行以上 注3.这不涉及任何一列中的NULLS