我想创建一个可以在C中为双链表添加新元素的函数,但我无法做到。这是代码。 新元素应该有名字,小组等。只要解释我如何制作名字和其余部分,我将自己做。
select deneme.ogr_id,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 1 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) sabah ,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 2 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) ogle,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 4 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) aksam,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 5 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) yatsi,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 6 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) sohbet,
sum(case deneme.tur_id WHEN 7 THEN YUZDE else 0 END) muhtelif
SELECT s_kontrol.ogr_id,
CEILING(((SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 1 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 2 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 3 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 4 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 5 THEN 1 else 0 end) )
-(SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 3 THEN 1 else 0 end)))
/(SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 1 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 2 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 3 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 4 THEN 1 else 0 end)
+SUM(case s_kontrol.durum_id WHEN 5 THEN 1 else 0 end) )
* 100) YUZDE
FROM s_kontrol, s_ogr
WHERE s_kontrol.ogr_id=s_ogr.numara
and s_ogr.yurt_id=?
and tarih BETWEEN ? and ?
and tur_id IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
GROUP BY s_kontrol.ogr_id,s_ogr.ad, tur_id
) deneme
group by ogr_id,ad order by 1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我尝试实现一个基于给定索引插入元素的函数。请注意,我稍微更改了 list_item struct ,以便它包含指向数据元素的指针。
* Function: insert_index
* Parameters: APTEKA* head, INF_BLOK* data, int index
* Return value: Returns NULL on failure, a pointer to the head
* on success
* Description: Inserts a APTEKA* element based on an given
* index
APTEKA* insert_index(APTEKA* head, INF_BLOK* data, int index) {
// Local variable for index
int ind = 1;
APTEKA* new_node = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
new_node->inf = data;
// Check if head exists, the malloc call was successfull and the index is
// in allowed range
// NOTE: Index for head starts at position 1
if(head && new_node && index) {
// If index is one, set a new head
if(index == 1) {
// The previous node is of course NULL
new_node->prev = NULL;
new_node->next = head->next;
head->next->prev = new_node;
head->next = new_node;
// In a full implementation you need to free the memory for head and the data field in the
// structure. free(...)
// Return a pointer to the new head of the list
return new_node;
} else {
APTEKA* current_node = head->next;
// Loop through all positions before the desired index
for(; ind < (index - 1); ++ind)
current_node = current_node->next;
new_node->prev = current_node;
new_node->next = current_node->next;
current_node->next->prev = new_node;
current_node->next = new_node;
else {
// Return NULL on failure
return NULL;
// Return an pointer to the head
return head;
<强>解释: 首先,该函数创建一个名为 new_node 的新节点,并将 inf 数据字段的指针设置为给定参数。在实际插入之前我基本上检查一切是否正确。
然后我分为两种情况:第一种是替换头(索引== 1),第二种是任何其他索引。
int main()
/* Only used for testing purposes */
APTEKA* head = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
APTEKA* first = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
APTEKA* tail = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
head->next = first, head->prev = NULL;
first->next = tail, first->prev = head;
tail->next = NULL, tail->prev = first;
/* Information for head node */
INF_BLOK* block_head = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_head->name, "Head", 5);
/* Information for tail node */
INF_BLOK* block_tail = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_tail->name, "Tail", 5);
/* Information for first block */
INF_BLOK* block_first = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_first->name, "First", 6);
/* Information for block to add */
INF_BLOK* block_sec = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_sec->name, "Second", 7);
head->inf = block_head, first->inf = block_first, tail->inf = block_tail;
if(!insert_index(head, block_sec, 2))
fprintf(stderr, "Error inserting element\n");
APTEKA* element = head;
/* Print out name-data of nodes */
while(element) {
element = element->next;
element = head;
// Freeing everything
while (element) {
APTEKA* next = element->next;
free(element->inf), free(element);
element = next;
return 0;