我正在使用Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012和Microsoft Visual Studio,语言asp,我想知道如何在一个中连接多个单元格(下面的说明图片),因此它将与五个单元格具有相同的高度前面的细胞。
dim intAux, dblWidth, strContador, intContador
dblWidth = 85/(.fields.count-2)
intContador = 1
for intAux=0 to .fields.count-1
if intAux = 0 then
strLista = "<tr class=""ColumnTitleScroll""><td class=""ColumnTitleScrollTD"" colspan=""2"" rowspan=""2"" align=""center"" style=""width:15%""> </td>"
end if
if intAux>=2 then
if intAux = 2 then
strLista = strLista & "<td class=""ColumnTitleScrollTD"" %123% align=""center"" >" & split(.fields(intAux).name, "-")(0) & "</td>"
intContador = intContador+1
elseif strContador = split(.fields(intAux).name, "-")(0) then
intContador = intContador+1
strLista = Replace(strLista, "%123%", "Colspan=""" & intContador -1 & """")
response.Write strLista
strLista = "<td class=""ColumnTitleScrollTD"" %123% align=""center"" >" & split(.fields(intAux).name, "-")(0) & "</td>"
intContador = 2
end if
strContador = split(.fields(intAux).name, "-")(0)
end if
if intAux = .fields.count-1 then
strLista =strLista & "</tr>"
end if
strLista = Replace(strLista, "%123%", "Colspan=""" & intContador - 1 & """")
response.Write strLista
for intAux=0 to .fields.count-1
if intAux = 0 then
strLista = strLista & "<tr class=""ColumnTitleScroll"">"
end if
if intAux>=2 then
strLista = strLista & "<td class=""ColumnTitleScrollTD"" align=""center""style=""width:" & round(dblWidth, 0) & "%"">" & fGetMes(split(.fields(intAux).name, "-")(1)) & "</td>"
end if
if intAux = .fields.count-1 then
strLista =strLista & "</tr>"
end if
response.write strLista
strClass = " class=""TableRowWhite"""
dim PercentagemEfectuado, strClick, strClickEnt, strClickOper, strClickFact
do until .EOF
intCount = intCount + 1
if intCount mod 2 = 0 Then
strClass = " class=""TableRowWhite"" "
strClass = " class=""TableRowGrey"" "
end if
strLista = "<TR " & strOnMouseOver & ">"
strLista = strLista & " <TD align=""center"" >" & .fields("SLA").value & "</TD>" & vbnewline
strLista = strLista & " <TD align=""center"">" & .fields("Abreviatura").value & "</TD>" & vbnewline
for intAux=2 to .fields.count-1
strLista = strLista & "<td align=""center"" " & strClass & ">" & .fields(intAux).value & "</td>"
strLista = strLista & " </TR>" & vbnewline
response.write strLista
Table 希望你们能帮助我,提前谢谢。