我在dropbox api v2中检查主路径中的文件或文件夹 我正在尝试这种方法
DBUserClient *client = [DBClientsManager authorizedClient];
//NSString *searchPath = @"";
// "Full Dropbox" or "/Apps/<APP_NAME>/" if app has permission "App Folder").
[[client.filesRoutes listFolder:path]
setResponseBlock:^(DBFILESListFolderResult *result, DBFILESListFolderError *routeError, DBRequestError *networkError) {
if (result) {
[self displayPhotos:result.entries];
} else {
NSString *title = @"";
NSString *message = @"";
if (routeError) {
// Route-specific request error
title = @"Route-specific error";
if ([routeError isPath]) {
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Invalid path: %@", routeError.path];
} else {
// Generic request error
title = @"Generic request error";
if ([networkError isInternalServerError]) {
DBRequestInternalServerError *internalServerError = [networkError asInternalServerError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", internalServerError];
} else if ([networkError isBadInputError]) {
DBRequestBadInputError *badInputError = [networkError asBadInputError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", badInputError];
} else if ([networkError isAuthError]) {
DBRequestAuthError *authError = [networkError asAuthError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", authError];
} else if ([networkError isRateLimitError]) {
DBRequestRateLimitError *rateLimitError = [networkError asRateLimitError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", rateLimitError];
} else if ([networkError isHttpError]) {
DBRequestHttpError *genericHttpError = [networkError asHttpError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", genericHttpError];
} else if ([networkError isClientError]) {
DBRequestClientError *genericLocalError = [networkError asClientError];
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", genericLocalError];
UIAlertController *alertController =
[UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:title
[alertController addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK"
[self presentViewController:alertController animated:YES completion:nil];
//[self setFinished];
以上代码显示DBFILESListFolderResult中的结果,并保存到NSArray<DBFILESListFolderResult *> *arr
现在结果显示.tag =文件/文件夹但是无法获取变量请帮助我如何获取此标记并保存在变量中
现在我的结果是## Result ##
cursor = "AAG_UmQvZ1am1-D_sQ9Vu7rufWd2JQ8GNNk16EDpcKW5PtUuhpzJTZhNoTPIPQ3-_clzcJh2ixtkEqy_8rMzpLyumkgu851X3752-NczhJiTpp0t-lWSme20htOgCVso9l_1tbjf-jBJEEB2JxSdeHlu7byifT74fT7EepYRO7Si4FQcUHSDoGhTsGHV3rGuqFU";
entries = (
".tag" = folder;
id = "id:qPwKdoK_nCAAAAAAAAAABg";
name = "IPA File";
"path_display" = "/IPA File";
"path_lower" = "/ipa file";
"shared_folder_id" = 1493424685;
"sharing_info" = {
"no_access" = 0;
"read_only" = 0;
"shared_folder_id" = 1493424685;
"traverse_only" = 0;
".tag" = folder;
id = "id:qPwKdoK_nCAAAAAAAAC2pA";
name = ali;
"path_display" = "/ali";
"path_lower" = "/ali";
".tag" = file;
"client_modified" = "2017-10-17T06:56:43Z";
"content_hash" = a266bbb3f8a11c095fbe4a94647df343dbede5d90635065b5ae84e96d937d3bb;
id = "id:qPwKdoK_nCAAAAAAAAC2mA";
name = "OpenHouseID.zip";
"path_display" = "/OpenHouseID.zip";
"path_lower" = "/openhouseid.zip";
rev = 155f1577317c2;
"server_modified" = "2017-10-17T08:15:35Z";
size = 354077251;
".tag" = file;
"client_modified" = "2017-10-17T06:55:21Z";
"content_hash" = f8fa98bdcb232ca9040feeb16ea25fb4a355c061a2c275eedb48eacfa98bc909;
id = "id:qPwKdoK_nCAAAAAAAAC2mQ";
name = "Latest With PushNotifications.zip";
"path_display" = "/Latest With PushNotifications.zip";
"path_lower" = "/latest with pushnotifications.zip";
rev = 155f2577317c2;
"server_modified" = "2017-10-17T09:43:52Z";
size = 375600989;
"has_more" = 0;