
时间:2018-03-31 14:56:42

标签: ios swift cocoa-touch core-location cllocation


class ScannedQRCode {
    let issuer : String
    let eventName : String
    let eventCode : String
    let issuedYear : Int
    let issuedMonth : Int
    let issuedDay : Int
    let issuedHour : Int
    let issuedMin : Int
    let locatoin : CLLocation

    init(issuer : String , eventName : String , eventCode : String , issuedYear : Int ,issuedMonth : Int ,  issuedDay : Int , issuedHour : Int , issuedMin : Int , lat : Double , long : Double) {
        self.issuer = issuer
        self.eventName = eventName
        self.eventCode = eventCode
        self.issuedYear = issuedYear
        self.issuedMonth = issuedMonth
        self.issuedDay = issuedDay
        self.issuedHour = issuedHour
        self.issuedMin = issuedMin
        self.locatoin = CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: long)

    public func getIssuer () -> String {return self.issuer}
    public func getEventName () -> String {return self.eventName}
    public func getEventCode () -> String {return self.eventCode}
    public func getIssuedYear () -> Int {return self.issuedYear}
    public func getIssuedMonth () -> Int {return self.issuedMonth}
    public func getIssuedDay () -> Int {return self.issuedDay}
    public func getIssuedHour () -> Int {return self.issuedHour}
    public func getIssuedMin () -> Int {return self.issuedMin}
    public func getLocatoin () -> CLLocation {return self.locatoin}

    public func getDescription () -> String {
        return ("The given QR code is generated by \(self.getIssuer()) on the year  \(self.getIssuedYear()) and month \(self.getIssuedMonth()) and day \(self.getIssuedDay()) and hour \(self.getIssuedHour()) and minutes \(self.getIssuedMin()) and for an event called \(self.getEventName()) and having the code \(self.getEventCode()) for the following location lat: \(self.getLocatoin().coordinate.latitude) and Long : \(self.getLocatoin().coordinate.longitude)")


    func validateLocatoin () -> Bool{
        var validation = false

        let Mylocation = CLLocation(latitude: myLocation().latitude, longitude: myLocation().longitude)
        let distance = calculateDistance(LocationA: self.getLocatoin() , LocationB: Mylocation )
        print("The distance is : \(distance)")
        if (distance < 20 ) {

            validation = true

        return validation

    func validateTime () -> Bool {
        var validation = false

        let date = Date()
        let calendar = Calendar.current
        let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day, .hour ,.minute], from: date)

         let year =  (components.year)!
         let month = (components.month)!
         let day =  (components.day)!
         let hour = (components.hour)!
         let min =  (components.minute)!

        if (self.getIssuedYear() == year  && self.getIssuedMonth() == month && self.getIssuedDay() == day && self.getIssuedHour() == hour ){
            if (min - self.getIssuedMin() < 15){
                    validation = true

        return validation



public func myLocation () -> CLLocationCoordinate2D {
    var currentLocation: CLLocation!
    var locManager = CLLocationManager()

    if ( CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways || CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedWhenInUse )  {
    currentLocation = locManager.location

    }else {

    return currentLocation.coordinate



public func calculateDistance (LocationA : CLLocation , LocationB : CLLocation) -> Double{
    let distanceInMeters = LocationA.distance(from: LocationB)
    return distanceInMeters


let attendance = ScannedQRCode(issuer: String(scannedCode[0]),
                                       eventName:String(scannedCode[1]) ,
                                       eventCode: String(scannedCode[2]),
                                       issuedYear: Int(scannedCode[3])!,
                                       issuedMonth: Int(scannedCode[4])!,
                                       issuedDay: Int(scannedCode[5])!,
                                       issuedHour: Int(scannedCode[6])!,
                                       issuedMin: Int(scannedCode[7])!,
                                       lat: Double(scannedCode[8])!,
                                       long: Double(scannedCode[9])!


当我打印距离时,我得到了The distance is : 3.63338273593823e-08而我只是移动了我的手。根据堆栈溢出的其他问题,这个值是以米为单位测量的,它没有意义吗?

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