C ++中的数组模板类

时间:2018-03-31 11:07:33

标签: c++ arrays templates return return-type

我无法理解如何在C ++中正确创建Array模板类。 问题完全出于学习目的。



//Developed by Trofimov Yaroslav on 30.03.2018


#include <string>

template<const size_t n, typename T>
class Array {
    static unsigned __freeId, __quantity;
    unsigned _id;

    T** _array;
    const size_t _n;
    typedef const bool (* const BooleanResultDelegate)(const T&);
    class ArrayError {
        const std::string _reason;
        const size_t _index;
        const size_t _maxIndex;
        ArrayError(const size_t index, const size_t maxIndex,const std::string& reason = "") 
            : _index(index), _maxIndex(maxIndex), _reason(reason) {}
        std::string explanation(void) {
            std::string res += "Index: " + std::to_string(_index) + "\n"; 
            res += "Max index: " + std::to_string(_maxIndex) + "\n"; 
            res += "Reason: " + _reason + "\n"; 
            return res;

    explicit Array<n, T>(T* arrayFiller = 0) 
        : _n(n), _array(new T*[n]), _id(++__freeId) {
            if(arrayFiller != 0) {
                for(size_t i(0); i < length(); ++i) {
                    _array[i] = new T(*arrayFiller);
            } else {
                for(size_t i(0); i < length(); ++i) {
                    _array[i] = arrayFiller;
            reportIfDebug<n, T>(*this, "created");
    explicit Array<n, T>(const T& arrayFiller) 
        : _n(n), _array(new T*[n]), _id(++__freeId) {
            for(size_t i(0); i < length(); ++i) {
                _array[i] = new T(arrayFiller);
            reportIfDebug<n, T>(*this, "created");
    Array<n, T>(const Array<n, T>& that) 
        : _n(n), _array(new T[n]), _id(++__freeId) {
            for(size_t i(0); i < length(); ++i) {
                (*this)[i] = new T[that[i]];
            reportIfDebug<n, T>(*this, "created");
    ~Array<n, T>(void) {
        delete [] _array; _array = 0;
        reportIfDebug<n, T>(*this, "deleted", false);

    T* operator[](const size_t i) {
        if(i > length()) {
            throw ArrayError(i, _n, "out of bounds exception");
        return _array[i];
    const T* operator[](const size_t i) const {
        if(i > length()) {
            throw ArrayError(i, _n, "out of bounds exception");
        return _array[i];
    const size_t length() const {
        return _n;
    const unsigned getID() const {
        return _id;

    void removeAll(BooleanResultDelegate removeCondition = 0) {
        for(size_t i(0); i < length(); ++i) {
            if(removeCondition == 0 || removeCondition(*_array[i])) {
                delete [] _array[i]; _array[i] = 0;

template<const size_t n, typename T>
unsigned Array<n, T>::__freeId(0);
template<const size_t n, typename T>
unsigned Array<n, T>::__quantity(0);

template<const size_t n, typename T>
void reportIfDebug(
    const Array<n, T>& instance, 
    const char* const message, 
    const bool showContent = true) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl;
    std::cout << typeid(instance).name() << ' ' 
        << message << ' '
        << "id: " << instance.getID() << std::endl;
    if(showContent) {
        std::cout << instance;
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl;
template<const size_t n, typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Array<n, T>& instance) {
    for(size_t i(0); i < instance.length(); ++i) {
        if(instance[i] == 0) {
            os << "[" << i << "]: " << instance[i] << "\n";
        } else {
            os << "[" << i << "]: " << *instance[i] << "\n";
    return os;


//Developed by Trofimov Yaroslav on 30.03.2018
#include <iostream>
#include "Array.h"

int main(void) {
    const Array<5, int> a(7);
    std::cout << *a[2] << std::endl;
    return 0;

现在的主要问题是 - 我的Array类的客户端必须使用[间接运算符*]和[0值指针检查]才能使用数组中的对象。



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