我需要使用Pyspark检测时间序列上的阈值。 在下面的示例图中,我想检测(通过存储相关的时间戳)参数ALT_STD的每次出现都大于5000然后低于5000.
t_start = df.select('timestamp')\
.filter(df.ALT_STD > 5000)\
t_stop = df.select('timestamp')\
.filter((df.ALT_STD < 5000)\
& (df.timestamp > t_start.timestamp))\
我想我应该使用带有udf的窗口函数,但我找不到可行的解决方案。 我的猜测是算法应该是这样的:
windowSpec = Window.partitionBy('flight_hash')\
.rowsBetween(Window.currentRow, 1)
def detect_thresholds(x):
if (x['ALT_STD'][current_row]< 5000) and (x['ALT_STD'][next_row] > 5000):
return x['timestamp'] #Or maybe simply 1
if (x['ALT_STD'][current_row]> 5000) and (x['ALT_STD'][current_row] > 5000):
return x['timestamp'] #Or maybe simply 2
return 0
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
detect_udf = F.udf(detect_threshold, IntegerType())
df.withColumn('Result', detect_udf(F.Struct('ALT_STD')).over(windowSpec).show()
后scriptum: 作为旁注,我已经了解了如何使用udf或udf和内置的sql窗口函数,但不知道如何组合udf和窗口。 例如:
# This will compute the mean (built-in function)
df.withColumn("Result", F.mean(df['ALT_STD']).over(windowSpec)).show()
# This will also work
divide_udf = F.udf(lambda x: x[0]/1000., DoubleType())
df.withColumn('result', divide_udf(F.struct('timestamp')))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这里不需要udf(并且python udfs不能用作窗口函数)。只需将lead
/ lag
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lag, lead, when
result = (when((col('ALT_STD') < 5000) & (lead(col('ALT_STD'), 1) > 5000), 1)
.when(col('ALT_STD') > 5000) & (lead(col('ALT_STD'), 1) < 5000), 1)
df.withColum("result", result)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
from pyspark.sql.functions import when
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# Define conditions
det_start = (F.lag(F.col('ALT_STD')).over(windowSpec) < 100)\
& (F.lead(F.col('ALT_STD'), 0).over(windowSpec) >= 100)
det_end = (F.lag(F.col('ALT_STD'), 0).over(windowSpec) > 100)\
& (F.lead(F.col('ALT_STD')).over(windowSpec) < 100)
# Combine conditions with .when() and .otherwise()
result = (when(det_start, 1)\
.when(det_end, 2)\
df.withColumn("phases", result).show()