R +情节:革命的坚实

时间:2018-03-28 08:10:57

标签: r plotly surface r-plotly

我有一个函数/etc/stack/config.yaml,我希望围绕r(x)轴旋转,以获得solid of revolution我想要使用{{{{}}}添加到现有x图1}}(由plot_ly着色。)



3D scatter plot





# radius depends on x
r <- function(x) x^2

# interval of interest
int <- c(1, 3)

# number of points along the x-axis
nx <- 20

# number of points along the rotation
ntheta <- 36

# set x points and get corresponding radii
coords <- data_frame(x = seq(int[1], int[2], length.out = nx), r = r(x))

# for each x: rotate r to get y and z coordinates
# edit: ensure 0 and pi are both amongst the angles used
coords %<>%
  rowwise() %>%
  do(data_frame(x = .$x, r = .$r,
                theta = seq(0, pi, length.out = ntheta / 2 + 1) %>%
                c(pi + .[-c(1, length(.))]))) %>%

  ungroup %>%
  mutate(y = r * cos(theta), z = r * sin(theta))

# plot points to make sure the coordinates define the desired shape
coords %>%
  plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~z, color = ~x) %>%

two 3D surfaces attempt


  1. 它有剃刀牙齿&#39;靠近plotly / # get all x & y values used (sort to connect halves on the side) xs <- unique(coords$x) %>% sort ys <- unique(coords$y) %>% sort # for each possible x/y pair: get z^2 value coords <- expand.grid(x = xs, y = ys) %>% as_data_frame %>% mutate(r = r(x), z2 = r^2 - y^2) # format z coordinates above x/y plane as matrix where columns # represent x and rows y zs <- matrix(sqrt(coords$z2), ncol = length(xs), byrow = TRUE) # format x coordiantes as matrix as above (for color gradient) gradient <- rep(xs, length(ys)) %>% matrix(ncol = length(xs), byrow = TRUE) # plot upper half of shape as surface p <- plot_ly(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs, surfacecolor = gradient, type = "surface", colorbar = list(title = 'x')) # plot lower have of shape as second surface p %>% add_surface(z = -zs, showscale = FALSE) 飞机。
  2. 两半部分不接触。通过在x向量中加入y0来解决
  3. 我没有弄清楚如何通过pi而不是theta给它着色(尽管到目前为止我还没有看到它)。x矩阵解析
  4. 编辑(2)



    令人惊讶的是,虽然这应该连接与gradient / # close circle in y-direction ys <- c(ys, rev(ys), ys[1]) # get corresponding z-values zs <- rbind(zs, -zs[nrow(zs):1, ], zs[1, ]) # as above, but for color gradient gradient <- rbind(gradient, gradient[nrow(gradient):1, ], gradient[1, ]) # plot single surface plot_ly(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs, surfacecolor = gradient, type = "surface", colorbar = list(title = 'x')) 平面正交的两半,但是要创建完整的形状, 它仍然患有同样的剃刀牙齿&#39;影响如上所述:

    single 3D surface attempt


    事实证明,x产生的缺失部分 - 当接近0时,值为y


    NaN-override attempt

    NaN# color points 'outside' the solid purple gradient[is.nan(zs)] <- -1 # show those previously hidden points zs[is.nan(zs)] <- 0 # plot exactly as before plot_ly(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs, surfacecolor = gradient, type = "surface", colorbar = list(title = 'x')) 过于接近时,这可能是由于减法的数值不稳定造成的,导致r^2的负输入,其中实际输入仍为非负

    即使考虑到+ -4&#39;关闭&零,剃刀牙齿&#39;效果无法完全避免:



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



# radius depends on x
r <- function(x) x^2

# interval of interest
int <- c(1, 3)

# number of points along the x-axis
nx <- 1000

# number of points along the rotation
ntheta <- 36

# set x points and get corresponding radii
coords <- data_frame(x = seq(int[1], int[2], length.out = nx), r = r(x))

# for each x: rotate r to get y and z coordinates
# edit: ensure 0 and pi are both amongst the angles used
coords %<>%
  rowwise() %>%
  do(data_frame(x = .$x, r = .$r,
                theta = seq(0, pi, length.out = ntheta / 2 + 1) %>%
                  c(pi + .[-c(1, length(.))]))) %>%

  ungroup %>%
  mutate(y = r * cos(theta), z = r * sin(theta))

# plot points to make sure the coordinates define the desired shape
coords %>%
  plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~z, color = ~x) %>%

enter image description here

最佳, 强尼

答案 1 :(得分:6)

我已经有了另一个裂缝并且有一个更接近的解决方案,使用&#34;表面&#34;类型。有用的是查看第一个表面图的结果,其中nx = 5和ntheta = 18.它的jaggardy是因为它连接zs中的列的方式(跨越x点)。它必须从它周围的较大环的一部分向上连接,这导致密度达到峰值以满足这一点。


  1. 在边缘周围添加一些小点:两个密度连接在一起。这减少了jaggardy部分的大小,因为有更多的点靠近边界
  2. 计算mod zs到zs2:通过添加0来确保每个环与外环的尺寸相等。
  3. 将nx增加到40并将ntheta减少到18 - 更多的x使步长更小。减少ntheta的运行时间,因为我已添加了更多的点
  4. 步骤来自于它如何尝试连接x环。从理论上讲,如果你有更多的x环,它应该消除这种不稳定性,但运行起来非常耗时。

    我不认为这回答Q 100%,我不确定这个图书馆是否适合这项工作。如果有任何问题,请联系。

    # radius depends on x
    r <- function(x) x^2
    # interval of interest
    int <- c(1, 3)
    # number of points along the x-axis
    nx <- 40
    # number of points along the rotation
    ntheta <- 18
    # set x points and get corresponding radii
    coords <- data_frame(x = seq(int[1], int[2], length.out = nx), r = r(x))
    # theta: add small increments at the extremities for the density plot
    theta <- seq(0, pi, length.out = ntheta / 2 + 1)
    theta <- c(theta, pi + theta)
    theta <- theta[theta != 2*pi]
    inc <- 0.00001
    theta <- c(theta, inc, pi + inc, pi - inc, 2*pi - inc)
    theta <- sort(theta)
    coords %<>%
      rowwise() %>%
      do(data_frame(x = .$x, r = .$r, theta = theta)) %>%
      ungroup %>%
      mutate(y = r * cos(theta), z = r * sin(theta))
    # get all x & y values used (sort to connect halves on the side)
    xs <-
      unique(coords$x) %>%
    ys <-
      unique(coords$y) %>%
    # for each possible x/y pair: get z^2 value
    coords <-
      expand.grid(x = xs, y = ys) %>%
      as_data_frame %>%
      mutate(r = r(x), z2 = r^2 - y^2)
    # format z coordinates above x/y plane as matrix where columns
    # represent x and rows y
    zs <- matrix(sqrt(coords$z2), ncol = length(xs), byrow = TRUE)
    zs2 <- zs
    L <- ncol(zs)
    for(i in (L-1):1){
      w <- which(!is.na(zs[, (i+1)]) & is.na(zs[, i]))
      zs2[w, i] <- 0
    # format x coordiantes as matrix as above (for color gradient)
    gradient <-
      rep(xs, length(ys)) %>%
      matrix(ncol = length(xs), byrow = TRUE)
    # plot upper half of shape as surface
    p <- plot_ly(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs2, surfacecolor = gradient,
                 type = "surface", colorbar = list(title = 'x'))
    # plot lower have of shape as second surface
    p %>%
      add_surface(z = -zs2, showscale = FALSE)

    enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:6)



# Your initial values...

r <- function(x) x^2
int <- c(1, 3)
nx <- 20
ntheta <- 36

# Set up x and colours for each x

x <- seq(int[1], int[2], length.out = nx)
cols <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "yellow"), space = "Lab")(nx)

shade3d(turn3d(x, r(x), n = ntheta,  smooth = TRUE, 
        material = list(color = rep(cols, each = 4*ntheta))))

你可以通过一些摆弄来改善颜色:你可能想要创建一个使用xr(x)来设置颜色的函数,而不是像我那样重复颜色。< / p>


enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:2)


xs <- seq(-9,9,length.out = 20)
ys <- seq(-9,9,length.out = 20)

coords <-
  expand.grid(x = xs, y = ys) %>%
  mutate(z2 = (x^2 + y^2)^(1/4))

zs <- matrix(coords$z2, ncol = length(xs), byrow = TRUE)

plot_ly(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs, surfacecolor = zs,
             type = "surface", colorbar = list(title = 'x')) %>% 
  layout(scene = list(zaxis = list(range = c(1,3))))
