我对Angular比较新,我正在尝试使用Angular2,NodeJs,Express和MongoDB构建一个MEAN应用程序。我一直在关注一个有点旧的教程,所以有些说明已经过时了。 所以我使用了Angular的快速入门指南来设置它。
在我的index.html文件中,我有以下行System.import('app').then (null, console.error.bind(console));
,结果为Error: (SystemJS) require is not defined
System.import('app').then (null, console.error.bind(console));`
which gives me the error `Error: (SystemJS) require is not defined`.
The problem is inside the systemjs/index.js file, as I am using this in the nodemodules on the front end.
I have been looking for a solution to my problem for a couple of days now, and people suggest that I use a bundle or an import statement, but I am unsure about the syntax I need to use.
Here is the code that is giving me the issue:
if (typeof Promise === 'undefined')
var version = require('./package.json').version;
var isWindows = typeof process.platform != 'undefined' && process.platform.match(/^win/);
// set transpiler paths in Node
var nodeResolver = typeof process != 'undefined' && typeof require != 'undefined' && require.resolve;
function configNodePath(loader, module, nodeModule, wildcard) {
if (loader.paths[module])
var ext = wildcard ? '/package.json' : '';
try {
var match = nodeResolver(nodeModule + ext).replace(/\\/g, '/');
catch(e) {}
if (match)
loader.paths[module] = 'file://' + (isWindows ? '/' : '') + match.substr(0, match.length - ext.length) + (wildcard ? '/*.js' : '');
var SystemJSLoader = require('./dist/system.src').constructor;
// standard class extend SystemJSLoader to SystemJSNodeLoader
function SystemJSNodeLoader() {
if (nodeResolver) {
configNodePath(this, 'traceur', 'traceur/bin/traceur.js');
configNodePath(this, 'traceur-runtime', 'traceur/bin/traceur-runtime.js');
configNodePath(this, 'babel', 'babel-core/browser.js');
configNodePath(this, 'babel/external-helpers', 'babel-core/external-helpers.js');
configNodePath(this, 'babel-runtime/*', 'babel-runtime', true);
SystemJSNodeLoader.prototype = Object.create(SystemJSLoader.prototype);
SystemJSNodeLoader.prototype.constructor = SystemJSNodeLoader;
var System = new SystemJSNodeLoader();
System.version = version + ' Node';
if (typeof global != 'undefined')
global.System = global.SystemJS = System;
module.exports = System;
我尝试过更新我的npm,打字稿甚至是angular-cli。我还更改了tsconfig.app.json文件中的'module',并将format: 'register'