
时间:2011-02-09 18:54:32

标签: java udp

我有一台等待传入客户端消息并使用UDP的服务器。当我尝试关闭Udp连接时,我得到一个IOException ..

public void run(){

    String user_message = null;

    try {
            connection = startServer();
            System.out.println("Server started");
            while ((true) && (serverStarted) ){

                    try {

                            user_message = receiveMessage();
                            check_query( user_message , "," );

                    } catch ( IOException ex ) {
                            System.out.println("Error1 "+ex.getMessage());
                            setError( "Error establishing connection " ) ;
                            Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "\n Error establishing connection0") ;
            System.out.println("Server is stopped.....");
    catch ( SocketException ex ) {
            System.out.println("Error2 "+ex.getMessage());
            setError("Error establishing connection ") ;
            Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "\n Error establishing connection1") ;

    catch( NullPointerException ex){
            System.out.println("Error3 "+ex.getMessage());
            setError("Error Null Pointer ") ;
            Txt_Log.setText(Txt_Log.getText() + "\n Error :"+ex.getMessage()) ;

 * Method starts server datagram to bind to port

public DatagramSocket startServer() throws SocketException{

            return new DatagramSocket(10000);

 * Method stops server so that server is not able to receive client requests

public void closeServer(){

        if (connection != null){
                //connection = null;


 * Method sends message via datagram to client

private void sendMessage( String message ) throws IOException{

        byte[] message_byte = message.getBytes();
        packet_send = new DatagramPacket( message_byte , message_byte.length , packet_receive.getAddress() , packet_receive.getPort() );
        connection.send( packet_send );

 * Method receives messages from clients
private String receiveMessage() throws IOException,NullPointerException{
    if (connection!=null){
        byte[] buf = new byte[256];
        packet_receive = new DatagramPacket( buf , buf.length ) ;
        connection.receive( packet_receive ) ;
        return getString( packet_receive );
    throw new NullPointerException("Connection cannot be null");

 * Method retrieves data from packet and converts to string

private String getString(DatagramPacket packet){

        String string = new String ( packet.getData() , 0 , packet.getLength()).trim();
        return string;

private void drop_DBconnection(){
    if (DB_connection!=null){
            //DB_connection = null;

        catch(SQLException e){

                Txt_Log.setText("Server connection Error...");
                setError("Cannot close database connection");


public void closeServer(){

        if (connection != null){
                //connection = null;


private void btn_stopActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){

        if ( serverStarted ){

                    Txt_Log.setText( Txt_Log.getText()+"\nServer has been stopped ...." ) ;
                    serverStarted = false ;
                    drop_DBconnection() ;

                    btn_start.setEnabled( true ) ;
                    btn_stop.setEnabled( false );



Server started
Server is started..... Error1 socket
closed Server is stopped.....
java.net.SocketException: socket closed
         at java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive0(NativeMethod)
         at java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive(PlainDatagramSocketImpl.java:136)
         at java.net.DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramSocket.java:712)
         at server.Server.receiveMessage(Server.java:608)
         at server.Server.run(Server.java:528)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)


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