class InputNumber extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.re = props.regex ? props.regex : /^(?:[1-9]\d*(?:\.\d{0,2})?)?$/;
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// check new props and reassign the stake if needed
if (this.input && this.currentVal !== nextProps.newValue) {
if (nextProps.newValue === "0") {
this.input.value = "";
} else {
this.input.value = nextProps.newValue;
makeTypeText = e => {
e.target.type = "text";
makeTypeNumber = e => {
e.target.type = "number";
setValue = e => {
const re = this.re; // pattern that we will validate our input against
const currentVal = e.target.value.split(""); // in order to validate we need to know what would be the next value
const newChar = e.key; // we transform the current value into an array and
let nextVal = [...currentVal]; // create a new array with previous values
const start = e.target.selectionStart; // and then place the input char into the current cursor position
const end = e.target.selectionEnd;
if (e.key === "Backspace") {
// if backspace is typed
if (start === end) {
nextVal.splice(start - 1, 1); // if there is no selection just delete the digit before the cursor
} else {
nextVal.splice(start, end - start); // if the user has selected several digits just replace them with empty string
} else if (e.key === "Delete") {
// if delete is typed
if (start === end) {
nextVal.splice(start, 1); // delete a digit before after the cursor if no selection
} else {
nextVal.splice(start, end - start); // delete selection
} else {
nextVal.splice(start, end - start, e.key); // insert digit before the cursor or replace selection with a digit
const valueAfterInput = nextVal.join("");
// check the value that would result from input against the regular expression
if (!re.test(valueAfterInput)) {
e.preventDefault(); // if the next value is invalid we prevent the user action
} else {
this.currentVal =
valueAfterInput.slice(-1) === "."
? valueAfterInput.substr(0, valueAfterInput.length - 1)
: valueAfterInput; // assign the current value to a class variable so we can check it against incoming props
this.props.action(valueAfterInput); // dispatch an action
render() {
return (
<div className="form-field__input">
ref={input => (this.input = input)}
className={cn("form-input", "form-input_focus", {
"form-input_orange": this.props.hideCurrency
{hidden: this.props.hideCurrency}
InputNumber.propTypes = {
newValue: PropTypes.string,
hideCurrency: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
action: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
regex: PropTypes.object
export default InputNumber;