tidytext Error: Can't convert a function to a quosure

时间:2018-03-25 20:39:30

标签: r tidytext

I am starting to use tidytext to get basic word frequencies for a text file with a collection of emails and lots of garbage in between.

The relevant part of the script is:


data <- read_lines("emails.txt")

text_tibble <- tibble(line = seq_along(data), text = data)

text_tibble %>%
        unnest_tokens_(word, text)

Error: Can't convert a function to a quosure

Can you please orient me? Thanks. Original data result of dput(text_tibble)

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tidytext包确实有标准评估的大多数函数的强调版本,尽管these are being deprecated支持tidyeval语义。

