我正在使用Ionic v1开发一个多平台应用。
特别是我希望将输入列表垂直居中于红色圆圈:我想将它们与左侧的标题对齐。 我还希望将文本垂直居中于第二个圆圈,与红色按钮对齐。
app.controller('Wallet_management_Ctrl',['$scope','$http','Lang', function($scope,$http,Lang) {
var binance = localStorage.getItem("binance");
binance = (binance) ? JSON.parse(binance) : [];
$scope.binance = binance;
var coinmarketcapsymbol = localStorage.getItem("Coinmarketcap");
coinmarketcapsymbol = (coinmarketcapsymbol) ? JSON.parse(coinmarketcapsymbol) : [];
$scope.coinmarketcapsymbol = coinmarketcapsymbol;
var symbolsBitfinex = localStorage.getItem("symbolsBitfinex");
symbolsBitfinex = (symbolsBitfinex) ? JSON.parse(symbolsBitfinex) : [];
$scope.symbolsBitfinex = symbolsBitfinex;
var symbolsBittrex = localStorage.getItem("Bittrex");
symbolsBittrex = (symbolsBittrex) ? JSON.parse(symbolsBittrex) : [];
$scope.symbolsBittrex = symbolsBittrex;
var symbolsPoloniex = localStorage.getItem("Poloniex");
symbolsPoloniex = (symbolsPoloniex) ? JSON.parse(symbolsPoloniex) : [];
$scope.symbolsPoloniex = symbolsPoloniex;
var symbolsCryptopia = localStorage.getItem("Cryptopia");
symbolsCryptopia = (symbolsCryptopia) ? JSON.parse(symbolsCryptopia) : [];
$scope.symbolsCryptopia = symbolsCryptopia;
var language = Lang.getlang();
$scope.showlang = language;
if (language=="ita"){
$scope.title= "Gestione Wallet"
if (language=="en"){
$scope.title= "Wallet management"
var weblist = ["Binance","Bitfinex","Bitstamp","Bittrex", "Coinmarketcap","Cryptopia","Poloniex"];
var BitstampList = ["bch", "btc", "eth", "ltc", "xrp"];
$scope.weblist = weblist;
$scope.symbolsBitstamp = BitstampList;
var walletlist = localStorage.getItem("walletlist");
walletlist = (walletlist) ? JSON.parse(walletlist) : [];
// console.log(walletlist);
var item = [];
if (walletlist === null)
var walletlist = [];
$scope.walletlist = walletlist;
$scope.add = function() {
if($scope.site == null || $scope.currency == null || $scope.amount == null || $scope.price == null){
if (language=="ita"){
alert("Devi riempire tutti i campi");
if (language=="en"){
alert("Fill in all the labels");
if ($scope.amount == 0 || $scope.price == 0){
if (language=="ita"){
alert("La quantità o il prezzo non possono essere nulli");
if (language=="en"){
alert("The amount or the price can't be null");
item = [$scope.site,$scope.currency,$scope.amount, $scope.price];
window.localStorage.setItem("walletlist", JSON.stringify(walletlist));
$scope.site = null;
$scope.currency = null;
$scope.amount == null;
$scope.price == null;
$scope.delete = function(item) {
var index = walletlist.indexOf(item);
if (index > -1) {
walletlist.splice(index, 1);
window.localStorage.setItem("walletlist", JSON.stringify(walletlist));
$scope.showBitfinex = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Bitfinex"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showBinance = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Binance"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showCoinmarketcap = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Coinmarketcap"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showBittrex = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Bittrex"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showPoloniex = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Poloniex"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showCryptopia = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Cryptopia"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.showBitstamp = function() {
if ($scope.site == "Bitstamp"){
return true;
return false;
$scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function() {

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<ion-view ng-model="title" view-title={{title}}>
<ion-content ng-controller="Wallet_management_Ctrl">
<br /><br /><br />
<label class="item item-input notIE item-select">
<div ng-if="showlang == 'en'" class="input-label" ng-model="weblist">Site</div>
<div ng-if="showlang == 'ita'" class="input-label" ng-model="weblist">Sito</div>
<select ng-model ="site">
<option ng-repeat="item in weblist" >{{item}}</option>
<label class="item item-input item-select">
<div ng-if="showlang == 'en'" class="input-label" >Currency</div>
<div ng-if="showlang == 'ita'" class="input-label" >Valuta</div>
<select ng-model="currency" >
<option ng-if = "showBitfinex()" ng-repeat="item in symbolsBitfinex" >{{item}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showBinance()" ng-repeat="item in binance" >{{item}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showCoinmarketcap()" ng-repeat="item in coinmarketcapsymbol" >{{item.symbol}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showBittrex()" ng-repeat="item in symbolsBittrex" >{{item}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showPoloniex()" ng-repeat="item in symbolsPoloniex" >{{item}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showCryptopia()" ng-repeat="item in symbolsCryptopia" >{{item}}</option>
<option ng-if = "showBitstamp()" ng-repeat="item in symbolsBitstamp" >{{item}}</option>
<div class="list">
<label class="item item-input">
<span ng-show="showlang == 'en'" class="input-label">Amount</span>
<span ng-show="showlang == 'ita'" class="input-label">Quantità</span>
<input ng-show="showlang == 'en'" type="number" placeholder="Amount" min="0" ng-model="amount">
<input ng-show="showlang == 'ita'" type="number" placeholder="Quantità" min="0" ng-model="amount">
<div class="list">
<label class="item item-input">
<span ng-show="showlang == 'en'" class="input-label">Price in $ </span>
<span ng-show="showlang == 'ita'" class="input-label">Prezzo in $ </span>
<input ng-show="showlang == 'en'" type="number" step="0.01" placeholder="Price in $" min="0" ng-model="price">
<input ng-show="showlang == 'ita'" type="number" step="0.01" placeholder="Prezzo in $" min="0" ng-model="price">
<div class="col text-center">
<button ng-show="showlang == 'en'" class="button button-block button-positive" ng-click="add()">Add</button>
<button ng-show="showlang == 'ita'" class="button button-block button-positive" ng-click="add()">Aggiungi</button>
<ion-divider color=#9FA8DA>
<ion-item ng-if="showlang == 'en'" class="row">
<h3 class="col" align="center">Site</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">Currency</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">Amount</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">Purch. P. </h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center"></h3>
<ion-item ng-if="showlang == 'ita'" class="row">
<h3 class="col" align="center">Sito</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">Valuta</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">Qnt.</h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center">P. Acq. </h3>
<h3 class="col" align="center"></h3>
<ion-item class="row" ng-model="walletlist" ng-repeat="item in walletlist">
<div class="col" align="center">{{item[0]}} </div>
<div class="col" align="center">{{item[1]}} </div>
<div class="col" align="center">{{item[2]}} </div>
<div class="col" align="center">{{item[3]}} </div>
<div class="col" align="center"><button class="button button-assertive button-small, ion-ios-trash" ng-click="delete(item)"></button></div>