
时间:2018-03-24 01:00:03

标签: typescript functional-programming function-composition transducer

Live code example


const flip = map(([k,v]) => ({[v]: k}));
const double = map(([k,v]) => ({[k]: v + v}));
seq(flip, {one: 1, two: 2}); /*?*/ {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}
seq(double, {one: 1, two: 2}); /*?*/ {'one': 2, 'two: 4}


seq(compose(flip, double), {one: 1, two: 2}); /*?*/ {undefined: NaN}
seq(compose(double, flip), {one: 1, two: 2}); /*?*/ {undefined: undefined} 



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


其他人指出你在使用这些类型时犯了错误。您的每个函数都需要[k,v]输入,但它们都不会输出该格式 - 在这种情况下compose(f,g)compose(g,f)都不起作用


const flip = ([ key, value ]) =>
  [ value, key ]

const double = ([ key, value ]) =>
  [ key, value * 2 ]

const pairToObject = ([ key, value ]) =>
  ({ [key]: value })

const entriesToObject = (iterable) =>
  Transducer ()
    .log ('begin:')
    .map (double)
    .log ('double:')
    .map (flip)
    .log ('flip:')
    .map (pairToObject)
    .log ('obj:')
    .reduce (Object.assign, {}, Object.entries (iterable))

console.log (entriesToObject ({one: 1, two: 2}))
// begin: [ 'one', 1 ]
// double: [ 'one', 2 ]
// flip: [ 2, 'one' ]
// obj: { 2: 'one' }
// begin: [ 'two', 2 ]
// double: [ 'two', 4 ]
// flip: [ 4, 'two' ]
// obj: { 4: 'two' }
// => { 2: 'one', 4: 'two' }


const main = nums =>
  Transducer ()
    .log ('begin:')
    .filter (x => x > 2)
    .log ('greater than 2:')
    .map (x => x * x)
    .log ('square:')
    .filter (x => x < 30)
    .log ('less than 30:')
    .reduce ((acc, x) => [...acc, x], [], nums)

console.log (main ([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]))
// begin: 1
// begin: 2
// begin: 3
// greater than 2: 3
// square: 9
// less than 30: 9
// begin: 4
// greater than 2: 4
// square: 16
// less than 30: 16
// begin: 5
// greater than 2: 5
// square: 25
// less than 30: 25
// begin: 6
// greater than 2: 6
// square: 36
// begin: 7
// greater than 2: 7
// square: 49
// [ 9, 16, 25 ]


const main2 = (people = []) =>
  Transducer ()
    .log ('begin:')
    .filter (p => p.age > 13)
    .log ('age over 13:')
    .map (p => p.name)
    .log ('name:')
    .filter (name => name.length > 3)
    .log ('name is long enough:')
    .reduce ((acc, x) => acc.add (x), new Set, people)

const data =
  [ { name: "alice", age: 55 }
  , { name: "bob", age: 16 }
  , { name: "alice", age: 12 }
  , { name: "margaret", age: 66 }
  , { name: "alice", age: 91 }

console.log (main2 (data))
// begin: { name: 'alice', age: 55 }
// age over 13: { name: 'alice', age: 55 }
// name: alice
// name is long enough: alice
// begin: { name: 'bob', age: 16 }
// age over 13: { name: 'bob', age: 16 }
// name: bob
// begin: { name: 'alice', age: 12 }
// begin: { name: 'margaret', age: 66 }
// age over 13: { name: 'margaret', age: 66 }
// name: margaret
// name is long enough: margaret
// begin: { name: 'alice', age: 91 }
// age over 13: { name: 'alice', age: 91 }
// name: alice
// name is long enough: alice
// => Set { 'alice', 'margaret' }


const identity = x =>

const Transducer = (t = identity) => ({
  map: (f = identity) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => k (acc, f (x))))

  , filter: (f = identity) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => f (x) ? k (acc, x) : acc))

  , tap: (f = () => undefined) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => (f (x), k (acc, x))))

  , log: (s = "") =>
      Transducer (t) .tap (x => console.log (s, x))

  , reduce: (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
      xs.reduce (t (f), acc)

完整的程序演示 - .log已添加,以便您可以按正确的顺序查看事件

const identity = x =>

const flip = ([ key, value ]) =>
  [ value, key ]
const double = ([ key, value ]) =>
  [ key, value * 2 ]
const pairToObject = ([ key, value ]) =>
  ({ [key]: value })
const Transducer = (t = identity) => ({
  map: (f = identity) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => k (acc, f (x))))
  , filter: (f = identity) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => f (x) ? k (acc, x) : acc))
  , tap: (f = () => undefined) =>
    Transducer (k =>
      t ((acc, x) => (f (x), k (acc, x))))
  , log: (s = "") =>
      Transducer (t) .tap (x => console.log (s, x))
  , reduce: (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
      xs.reduce (t (f), acc)
const entriesToObject = (iterable) =>
  Transducer ()
    .log ('begin:')
    .map (double)
    .log ('double:')
    .map (flip)
    .log ('flip:')
    .map (pairToObject)
    .log ('obj:')
    .reduce (Object.assign, {}, Object.entries (iterable))
console.log (entriesToObject ({one: 1, two: 2}))
// begin: [ 'one', 1 ]
// double: [ 'one', 2 ]
// flip: [ 2, 'one' ]
// obj: { 2: 'one' }
// begin: [ 'two', 2 ]
// double: [ 'two', 4 ]
// flip: [ 4, 'two' ]
// obj: { 4: 'two' }
// => { 2: 'one', 4: 'two' }


JavaScript不包括mapfilterreduce等功能实用程序,用于其他迭代项,如Generator,Map或Set。在编写启用函数式编程的函数时,我们可以通过多种方式实现这一功能 - 考虑reduce的不同实现

// possible implementation 1
const reduce = (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
  xs.reduce (f, acc)

// possible implementation 2
const reduce = (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, [ x = Empty, ...xs ]) =>
  isEmpty (x)
    ? acc
    : reduce (f, f (acc, x) xs)

// possible implementation 3
const reduce = (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
  for (const x of xs)
    acc = f (acc, x)
  return acc


  1. 这只是原生Array.prototype.reduce的包装器。它与Array.prototype.reduce具有相同的缺点,因为它仅适用于数组。在这里,我们很高兴我们现在可以使用普通函数编写reduce表达式,并且创建包装器很容易。但是,如果我们调用reduce (add, 0, new Set ([ 1, 2, 3 ])),则会失败,因为集合没有reduce方法,这让我们感到难过。

  2. 这适用于任何可迭代的,但递归定义意味着如果xs非常大,它将溢出堆栈 - 至少在JavaScript解释器添加对尾部调用消除的支持之前。在这里,我们对reduce的代表性感到高兴,但无论我们在哪里使用它,我们的程序都让我们为它的致命弱点而悲伤

  3. 这适用于任何迭代,就像#2一样,但是我们必须交换优雅的递归表达式,以确保堆栈安全的命令式for循环。丑陋的细节让我们为reduce感到难过,但无论我们在程序中使用它,它都会让我们感到高兴。

  4. 为什么这很重要?好吧,在我分享的Transducer中,我包含的reduce方法是:

    const Transducer (t = identity) =>
      ({ ...
       , reduce: (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
          xs.reduce (t (f), acc)

    这个特定的实现最接近我们上面的reduce#1 - 它是Array.prototype.reduce周围快速而又脏的包装器。当然,我们的Transducer可以对包含任何类型值的数组执行转换,但这意味着我们的传感器只能接受数组作为输入。我们交易灵活性以便于实施。

    我们可以将它写得更接近样式#2,但是当我们在大数据集上使用我们的传感器模块时,我们就会继承堆栈漏洞 - 这就是传感器首先要擅长的地方。接近#3的实现本身不是一个功能程序,但它启用函数式编程 -


    const Transducer (t = identity) =>
      ({ ...
       , reduce: (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
           const reducer = t (f)
           for (const x of xs)
             acc = reducer (acc, x)
           return acc

    这里的想法是编写自己的Transducer模块并发明任何其他数据类型和实用程序来支持它。熟悉权衡取舍,可以选择最适合 计划的内容。



    是的,您可以利用Array.from将任何可迭代转换为数组,这样我们就可以直接插入Array.prototype.reduce。现在换能器接受任何可迭代输入,功能样式,一个简单的实现 -


    const Transducer (t = identity) =>
      ({ ...
       , reduce: (f = (a,b) => a, acc = null, xs = []) =>
           Array.from (xs)
             .reduce (t (f), acc)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

首先感谢您参加课程。 您在编写时遇到问题,因为我们在预期的输入和输出之间存在冲突的数据类型。





const entriesToObject = map(([k,v]) => {
  return {[k]:v};
const flipAndDouble = compose(
  map(([k,v]) => {
    return [k,v+v];
  map(([k,v]) => {
    return [v,k];

//{ '2': 'one', '4': 'two', '6': 'three' }​​​​​

这有点令人困惑,因为您必须确保最后一步返回一个对象而不是[k,v]数组。这样,执行objReducer的{​​{1}}将正常工作,因为它期望将对象作为值。 这就是我在Object.assign添加的原因。

如果entriesToObject已更新为处理objReducer数组和对象 作为值,您可以继续从最后一步返回[k,v]数组,这是一个更好的方法

您可以在此处看到如何重写objReducer的示例: https://github.com/jlongster/transducers.js/blob/master/transducers.js#L766

