时间:2018-03-23 01:22:31

标签: php sql phpmyadmin xampp

我正在尝试将我的第一个php脚本连接到mysql数据库。我正在使用XAMPP作为我的服务器。 我不断收到消息“错误查询数据库”。


//Below is how you connect to a database and insert data
//First create a variable with the connection commands so the query function you will use in a moment won't be so long
$dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'aliendatabase') or die ('Error connecting to MySQL server.');
//Next create a variable to hold your query commands for the same reason
    $query = "INSERT INTO aliens_abduction (first_name, last_name " . 
         "when_it_happened, how_long, how_many, alien_description, " .
         "what_they_did, fang_spotted, other, email) " . 
         "VALUES ('Sally', 'Jones', '3 days ago', '1 day', 'four', " .
         "'slimmy', 'asked questions', " .
         "'yes', 'I may have seen your dog. Contact me.', " .
//Now the variable that holds the query function
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query)
    or die ('Error querying database.');

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- (void)textTapped:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
    UITextView *textView = (UITextView *)recognizer.view;

    // Location of the tap in text-container coordinates

    NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = textView.layoutManager;
    CGPoint location = [recognizer locationInView:textView];
    location.x -= textView.textContainerInset.left;
    location.y -= textView.textContainerInset.top;

    // Find the character that's been tapped on

    NSUInteger characterIndex;
    characterIndex = [layoutManager characterIndexForPoint:location

    if (characterIndex < textView.textStorage.length) {

        NSRange range;
        id value = [textView.attributedText attribute:@"myCustomTag" atIndex:characterIndex effectiveRange:&range];

        // Handle as required...

        NSLog(@"%@, %d, %d", value, range.location, range.length);

