我正在尝试在AWS Lambda上执行python函数。在我的函数中,我试图导入mysql.connector模块。但是错误正在迸发:
pip install mysql-connector -t /path/to/file/dir
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Pattern that I have been using to deploy Python libs to lambda is following
Firstly, prior to packaging lambda function install all of the requirements into $SOURCE_ROOT/lib
pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./lib
Secondly, dd automatic import of this folder in your lambda entrypoint (that is lambda handler)
import os
import sys
# if running in lambda
if 'LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT' in os.environ:
# this will render all of your packages placed as subdirs available
Extending sys.path
with your own packaged path is the crucial for this to work.
Note on native compiled extensions
Note that if you are packaging any natively compiled extensions, their compilation should be done on linux-compatible O/S, ideally on EC2 instance created from Amazon Linux AMIs Lambda is running from (currently amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2
, but up to date information can be always obtained from Amazon Official Docs. According to my experience, extensions built from official Docker python container worked on lambda, without need to compile on actual EC2 instance created from AMIs, but there is no guarantee as offical docs state that
If you are using any native binaries in your code, make sure they are compiled in this environment. Note that only 64-bit binaries are supported on AWS Lambda.
MySQL Connector
Quick look at MySQL connector for Python gives impression that by default package will use native Python implementation, so no C extension is loaded
答案 1 :(得分:0)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
$ pip install -t <some-package> .
├── lambda_function.py
├── pymysql
│ └── ...
└── PyMySQL-0.9.3.dist-info
└── ...
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