
时间:2018-03-21 03:15:14

标签: java if-statement

项目必须做好几个与公园出勤的事情。我遇到的问题是当我要求用户输入并设置它时 "进入= kb.nextInt();"或者对于退出选项来说,似乎程序似乎没有像我认为的那样逐步通过条件逻辑。它会遇到一个条件,然后一些它不应该。任何帮助将不胜感激。我已经通过电子邮件发送了我的教授,我的项目已经过了几天,我只是想早点完成它。 Screenshot of code running

import java.util.Scanner;//import Scanner
import java.text.DecimalFormat;//import formatter

public class ParkAttendance
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //used for user input   
        Scanner kb =  new Scanner(System.in);
        //used to format currency
        DecimalFormat currency = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00"); 
        //used to format average
        DecimalFormat decimal = new DecimalFormat("#.0"); 

        //----------------User Input----------------------------------
        int menuChoice = 0;//menu choice
        int subMenuChoice = 0;//menu choice     
        int exitCounter = 0;//number of times exits were entered
        int enterCounter = 0;//number of times entries were entered 
        int highestAttendance = 0;//holds highest attendance
        int currentAttendance = 0;//holds current attendance
        int entering ;// people entering the park
        int exiting ;//people exiting the park 
        boolean black = false;//boolean for in the black or red check
        double avgEnter = 0;//average number of people entering the park
        double avgExit = 0;//average number of people exiting the park
        double income = 0;// income made for the day
        final int CAPACAITY = 250;//capacity of the park
        final double TICKET = 7.5;//ticket cost
        final int OP_COST = 2250;//operating costs for the park

        //prompt for user menu
        System.out.println("1. Display Park Attendance"
                        +"\n2. Update Attendance"
                        +"\n3. End Attendance Tracker\n");

        //The user menu
            menuChoice = kb.nextInt();

                //Display currentAttendance
                if(menuChoice == 1) 
                    System.out.println("Current Attendance:" + currentAttendance );

                //Attendance updater    
                if(menuChoice == 2)
                    System.out.println("1. People have entered the park"
                                    +"\n2. People have left the park\n");
                    subMenuChoice = kb.nextInt();

                        if(subMenuChoice ==1)
                        {   //Prompt for input
                            System.out.println("Enter the number of people entering the park: ");
                            entering = kb.nextInt();

                            //change attendance as long as it's less than 250 and adjust currentAttendance
                            if(entering > 0)
                                currentAttendance += entering;

                                if(currentAttendance > 250)
                                    System.out.println("Please wait until some people have left the park!");
                                    currentAttendance -= entering;

                                else if (currentAttendance <= 250);
                                    System.out.println(entering + " People have entered the park!");
                                    enterCounter += 1;
                                    income += (entering * TICKET);
                            if(entering < 0);
                                System.out.println("Please enter a positive number!");
                                entering = 0;


                        if(subMenuChoice == 2)
                        {   //Prompt for input 
                            System.out.println("Enter the number of people exiting the park: ");
                            exiting = kb.nextInt();

                            //check to see if user entered a positive value
                            if(exiting < 0);
                                System.out.println("Please enter a positive number!");
                                currentAttendance = 0;
                                exitCounter = 0;
                            if(exiting > 0)
                                System.out.println(exiting + " people have left the park!");    
                                currentAttendance -= exiting;
                                exitCounter += 1;


                    }//end of attendance updater 

                //re-prompt for menu
                System.out.println("1. Display Park Attendance"
                        +"\n2. Update Attendance"
                        +"\n3. End Attendance Tracker\n");

        }while(menuChoice != 3);//end of do while

        //calculate average entries and exits
        if(enterCounter >0 && exitCounter >0)
            avgEnter = currentAttendance/enterCounter;
            avgExit = currentAttendance/exitCounter;
        //calculate if operating costs were met
        if(income > OP_COST)
            black = true;

        //display calculations and end program
        System.out.print("The highest attendance was: " + highestAttendance
                        +"\n Average number of people entering:" + decimal.format(avgEnter)
                        +"\n Average number of people exiting: " + decimal.format(avgExit)
                        +"\n Income earned: " + currency.format(income) 
                        +"\n In the black: " + black);

    }//end of main
}//end of Project2

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

首先,你有一个分号在&#34; if(输入&lt; 0);&#34;所以总会显示出来。你还有一个分号在&#34; if(退出&lt; 0);&#34;所以它也会一直显示出来。您还应该检查以确保离开的人数不超过当前在公园内的人数。此外,您永远不会使用highestAttendance做任何事情。由于整数除法,您的avgEnter和avgExit总是为0。它截断了值(int)/(int)。您可以通过将一个或两个整数类型转换为双精度来轻松解决此问题,例如&#34; avgEnter = currentAttendance /(double)enterCounter;&#34;希望这有帮助,祝你好运!