无论如何,脚本需要在ssl模式下使用LWP :: UserAgent。 。 。或者其他的东西。
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Hostname;
my ( $oHelp, $oHost, $oUser, $oPw, $oAddress, $oPort, $oWarn, $oCrit );
my @warn = ( -1, -1 );
my @crit = ( -1, -1 );
my $state = 'OK';
my $output = '';
my $perfdata = '';
my $percentage;
my @tmp;
my $chr1;
my $chr2;
my $userAgent;
my $token;
my $uToken;
# Bridge refers to the telephony server itself.
my $bridgeIp = '';
my $bridgeUser = '';
my $bridgePw = '';
my $hostName = hostname;
my $bridgePort = '80';
# I tried changing the above 80 to 443 but it did not help.
my $bridgeUrl = '';
# Exit-Status-Array
my %ERRORS = ( 'UNKNOWN', '-1', 'OK', '0', 'WARNING', '1', 'CRITICAL', '2' );
# Parameter handling ###########################################################
"H|host:s" => \$oHost,
"U|user:s" => \$oUser,
"P|pw:s" => \$oPw,
"A|address:s" => \$oAddress,
"w|warn:s" => \$oWarn,
"c|crit:s" => \$oCrit,
"p|port:i" => \$oPort,
"h|help" => \$oHelp
if ( $oHelp || !$oUser || !$oHost || !$oPw || !$oAddress ) {
print <<EOU;
Usage: $0 -H <FQDN/IP: string> -A <URL/Address: string> -U <Username: string>
-P <Password: string> [-p <Port: integer>] [-w <audio ports warn: integer>,<video ports warn: integer>]
[-c <audio ports warn: integer>,<video ports warn: integer>]
FQDN or IP-Address of the bridge
-A --address STRING
Address to the XML API (e.g. http://<hostname>/Receiver.asp)
-U --user STRING
User name on the bridge
-P --pw STRING
Password of the account on the bridge
-p --port INTEGER
TCP port the API listens on the bridge
-w --warn INT.INT or INT%,INT%
Warning thresholds. Give maximum number or percentage of audio/video ports to be
occupied before warning state occurs.
A value of 50,25 would warn on 51 occupied audio- and/or 26 occupied
A value of 75%,85% would warn if 76% of the total audio- and/or 86% of the total
video ports are in use.
-c --crit INT.INT or INT%,INT%
Critical thresholds. Give maximum number of audio/video ports to be
occupied before critical state occurs.
A value of 60,30 would alert on 61 occupied audio- and/or 31 occupied
video ports.
A value of 85%,95% would alert if 86% of the total audio- and/or 96% of the total
video ports are in use.
exit( $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} );
$bridgeIp = $oHost;
$bridgeUrl = $oAddress;
$bridgeUser = $oUser;
$bridgePw = $oPw;
if ($oPort) {
$bridgePort = $oPort;
if (substr($oWarn, length($oWarn) -1, 1) =~ /\%/) {
$percentage = "1";
@tmp = split( ',', $oWarn);
$chr1 = chop($tmp[0]);
$chr2 = chop($tmp[1]);
@warn = @tmp;
else {
@warn = split( ',', $oWarn );
if (substr($oCrit, length($oCrit) -1, 1) =~ /\%/) {
$percentage = "1";
@tmp = split( ',', $oCrit);
$chr1 = chop($tmp[0]);
$chr2 = chop($tmp[1]);
@crit = @tmp;
else {
@crit = split( ',', $oCrit );
#if ($oWarn) {
# @warn = split( ',', $oWarn );
#if ($oCrit) {
# @crit = split( ',', $oCrit );
# Script start #################################################################
connect_bridge() if !$userAgent;
my $request =
. $token
. '</MCU_TOKEN>'
. $uToken
my $responseXml = http_post( $bridgeUrl, $request );
my $oXml = XMLin($responseXml, ForceArray=>['RSRC_REPORT_RMX']);
#print( $responseXml . "\n" );
# DEBUG: print Dumper($oXml);
#print Dumper($oXml);
my $audioPorts;
my $videoPorts;
my $audioPortsHD;
my $videoPortsHD;
foreach my $report (
if ( $report->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'audio' ) {
# Possible options:
$audioPorts = $report;
elsif ( $report->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'video' ) {
$videoPorts = $report;
my $videoTypeHD;
foreach my $reportHD (
if ( $reportHD->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'audio' ) {
# Possible options:
$audioPortsHD = $reportHD;
elsif ( $reportHD->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'HD1080p60_video' ) {
$videoPortsHD = $reportHD;
elsif ( $reportHD->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'HD1080p30_video' ) {
$videoPortsHD = $reportHD;
elsif ( $reportHD->{'RSRC_REPORT_ITEM'} eq 'HD720p30_video' ) {
$videoPortsHD = $reportHD;
# Audio thresholds
if ( $audioPorts ) {
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} != 0 ) {
if ( $warn[0] != -1 && (( $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} / $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $warn[0] != -1 && $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} != 0 ) {
if ( $crit[0] != -1 && (( $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} / $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $crit[0] != -1 && $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
# Audio HD Thresholds
if ( $audioPortsHD ) {
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} != 0 ) {
if ( $warn[0] != -1 && (( $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} / $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $warn[0] != -1 && $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} != 0 ) {
if ( $crit[0] != -1 && (( $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} / $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $crit[0] != -1 && $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
# Video tresholds
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $warn[0] != -1 && (( $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} / $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $warn[1] != -1 && $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} > $warn[1] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $crit[0] != -1 && (( $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} / $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
} elsif ( $crit[1] != -1 && $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} > $crit[1] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
# HD Video tresholds
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $warn[0] != -1 && (( $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} / $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $warn[0] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
} elsif ( $warn[1] != -1 && $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} > $warn[1] ) {
$state = 'WARNING';
if ( $percentage ) {
if ( $crit[0] != -1 && (( $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} / $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} ) * 100) > $crit[0] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
} elsif ( $crit[1] != -1 && $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} > $crit[1] ) {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
if ( $audioPorts ) {
$output =
. ': Audio in use: '
. $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} . 'SD, '
. $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} . 'HD, '
. ' Video in use: '
. $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} . 'SD, '
. $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} . 'HD';
$perfdata =
. $warn[0] . ';'
. $crit[0] . ';'
. $audioPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $audioPorts->{'TOTAL'} . ';'
. $audioPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $audioPortsHD->{'TOTAL'}
. ' video='
. $warn[1] . ';'
. $crit[1] . ';'
. $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} . ';'
. $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'};
} else {
$output =
. ': Audio in use: 0/0SD, 0/0HD, '
. ' Video in use: '
. $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} . 'SD, '
. $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . '/'
. $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'} . 'HD';
$perfdata =
. $warn[0] . ';'
. $crit[0] . ';0;0;0;0'
. ' video='
. $warn[1] . ';'
. $crit[1] . ';'
. $videoPorts->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $videoPorts->{'TOTAL'} . ';'
. $videoPortsHD->{'OCCUPIED'} . ';'
. $videoPortsHD->{'TOTAL'};
print( $output. ' | ' . $perfdata . "\n" );
exit( $ERRORS{$state} );
# Subs #########################################################################
sub login_bridge {
my $request =
. '<MCU_IP><IP>'
. $bridgeIp . '</IP>'
. $bridgePort
. $bridgeUser
. '</USER_NAME>'
. $bridgePw
. $hostName
my $responseXml = http_post( $bridgeUrl, $request );
my $xml = XMLin($responseXml);
# DEBUG: print Dumper($xml);
my $token = 0;
my $uToken = 0;
if ( $xml->{'RETURN_STATUS'}->{'ID'} == 0 ) {
$token = $xml->{'ACTION'}->{'LOGIN'}->{'MCU_TOKEN'};
$uToken = $xml->{'ACTION'}->{'LOGIN'}->{'MCU_USER_TOKEN'};
return ( $token, $uToken );
sub connect_bridge {
$userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'VCMgmtLib', keep_alive => 1 );
( $token, $uToken ) = login_bridge();
if ( $token == 0 || $uToken == 0 ) {
# Login failed
print("UNKNOWN: Login failed!\n");
exit( $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} );
sub http_post {
my ( $url, $content ) = @_;
my $req = POST $bridgeUrl,
Content_Type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
Content => $content;
my $response = $userAgent->request($req);
print $response->error_as_HTML unless $response->is_success;
return $response->content;
所以我想也许我可以用 sub connect_bridge {来改变这一节,但我无处可去。
sub connect_bridge {
$userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'VCMgmtLib', keep_alive => 1 );
ssl_opts => {
SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs',
verify_hostname => 0,
if ( $token == 0 || $uToken == 0 ) {
语法错误/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl第385行,靠近&#34;){&#34; 语法错误/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl第387行,靠近&#34;}&#34;
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl line 390, near "= @_"
Global symbol "$content" requires explicit package name at /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl line 394.
syntax error at /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl line 401, near "}"
Execution of /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rmx_ports_ssl.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
require LWP::Protocol::https;
# Fail at compile time if dependencies are not met.
# This belongs near the `use` statements at the top.
$userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => 'VCMgmtLib',
keep_alive => 1,
ssl_opts => {
SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs',
verify_hostname => 0,
答案 1 :(得分:0)
sub connect_bridge {
$userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => 'VCMgmtLib',
keep_alive => 1,
ssl_opts => {
SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs',
verify_hostname => 0,
( $token, $uToken ) = login_bridge();
if ( $token == 0 || $uToken == 0 ) {
# Login failed
print("UNKNOWN: Login failed!\n");
exit( $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'} );
if ( $token == 0 || $uToken == 0 ) {