我正在为c ++中名为Specker的游戏创建一个minimax播放器。
有p个玩家(0到p - 1)和n个堆(0到n - 1)
从玩家0开始,每个玩家需要k>来自堆x的0个硬币并且在堆y上放置m个硬币(0 <= m
所以我创建了一个根据minimax(pt18a038)播放的播放器代码编译得很好,但程序在执行时停止响应。 聪明的球员类:
class pt18a038 : public Player {
string player_type;
pt18a038(const string &n) : Player(n) {
player_type = "Asder aka theRunner";
virtual const string &getType() const override {
return player_type;
virtual Move play(const State &s) override {
int source_heap = 0;
int target_heap = 0;
int source_coins = 0;
int target_coins = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (source_heap = 0; source_heap < s.getHeaps(); source_heap++) {
for (source_coins = 1; source_coins <= s.getCoins(source_heap); source_coins++) {
for (target_heap = 0; target_heap < s.getHeaps(); target_heap++) {
for (target_coins = 0; target_coins <= source_coins; target_coins++) {
Move m(source_heap, source_coins, target_heap, target_coins);
sum = minimax(s, 3, 0, m);
cout << "Play:" << source_heap << "," << source_coins << "," << target_heap << ","
<< target_coins << ":" << sum << endl;
cout << sum << endl;
// ///////////// for debbuging only until minimax is working...
source_heap = 0;
source_coins = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.getHeaps(); i++) {
if (s.getCoins(i) > source_coins) {
source_heap = i;
source_coins = s.getCoins(i);
Move SpartanObject(source_heap, 1, 0, 0);
return SpartanObject;
// /////////////
static int minimax(State s, const int &players, int depth, const Move move) {
if (s.winning()) {
cout << "game end!" << endl;
return 1000;
if (depth % players == 0) return 1000; //Maximazing player
else return -1000; //Minimazing player
if (depth > 4) {
return 0;
//cout << s << endl;
int source_heap = 0;
int target_heap = 0;
int source_coins = 0;
int target_coins = 0;
int max = -100000;
int min = 100000;
int result;
for (source_heap = 0; source_heap < s.getHeaps(); source_heap++) {
for (source_coins = 1; source_coins <= s.getCoins(source_heap); source_coins++) {
for (target_heap = 0; target_heap < s.getHeaps(); target_heap++) {
for (target_coins = 0; target_coins <= source_coins; target_coins++) {
//cout << "Move:" << source_heap << "," << source_coins << "," << target_heap << ","<< target_coins << endl;
Move m(source_heap, source_coins, target_heap, target_coins);
result = minimax(s, players, depth + 1, m);
if (depth % players == 0) {
max = result ? (result > max) : result;
} else {
min = result ? (result < min) : result;
return max ? (depth % players == 0) : min;
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class Move {
int source_heap, source_coins, target_heap, target_coins;
Move(int sh, int sc, int th, int tc) {
source_heap = sh;
source_coins = sc;
target_heap = th;
target_coins = tc;
int getSource() const {
return source_heap;
int getSourceCoins() const {
return source_coins;
int getTarget() const {
return target_heap;
int getTargetCoins() const {
return target_coins;
// Let's do some operator overloading
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Move &move) {
if (move.getTargetCoins()) {
out << "takes " << move.getSourceCoins() << " coins from heap "
<< move.getSource() << " and puts " << move.getTargetCoins()
<< " coins to heap " << move.getTarget();
} else {
out << "takes " << move.getSourceCoins() << " coins from heap "
<< move.getSource() << " and puts nothing";
class State {
// State with h heaps, where the i-th heap starts with c[i] coins.
int heaps, *heap_coins;
State(int h, const int c[]) {
heaps = h;
heap_coins = new int[heaps];
for (int i = 0; i < heaps; i++)
heap_coins[i] = c[i];
~State() {
delete[] heap_coins;
int getCoins(int h) const throw(logic_error) {
if (h < 0 || h > heaps) {
throw logic_error(
"Invalid heap number, enter a number between 1 and heaps!");
return 1;
} else {
return heap_coins[h];
void next(const Move &move) throw(logic_error) {
if ((move.getSource() < 0) || (move.getSource() > heaps) ||
(move.getTarget() < 0) || (move.getTarget() > heaps)) {
throw logic_error("Invalid Heap!");
} else if (
(move.getSourceCoins() < 1) || (move.getTargetCoins() < 0) ||
(move.getSourceCoins() <= move.getTargetCoins()) ||
(move.getSourceCoins() > getCoins(move.getSource()))) {
throw logic_error("Invalid Coin number!");
} else {
heap_coins[move.getSource()] -= move.getSourceCoins();
heap_coins[move.getTarget()] += move.getTargetCoins();
bool winning() const {
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < heaps; i++)
s += getCoins(i);
return not s; // yeah i know how booleans work :P
int getHeaps() const {
return heaps;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const State &state) {
for (int i = 0; i < state.getHeaps(); i++) {
out << state.heap_coins[i];
if (i != state.getHeaps() - 1)
out << ", ";
return out;
class Player {
Player(const string &n);
virtual ~Player();
virtual const string &getType() const = 0;
virtual Move play(const State &s) = 0;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Player &player);
string player_name;
class GreedyPlayer : public Player {
string player_type;
GreedyPlayer(const string &n) : Player(n) {
player_type = "Greedy";
virtual const string &getType() const override {
return player_type;
virtual Move play(const State &s) override {
int source_heap = 0;
int source_coins = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.getHeaps(); i++) {
if (s.getCoins(i) > source_coins) {
source_heap = i;
source_coins = s.getCoins(i);
Move GreedyObject(source_heap, source_coins, 0, 0);
return GreedyObject;
class SpartanPlayer : public Player {
SpartanPlayer(const string &n) : Player(n) {
player_type = "Spartan";
virtual const string &getType() const override {
return player_type;
virtual Move play(const State &s) override {
int source_heap = 0;
int source_coins = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.getHeaps(); i++) {
if (s.getCoins(i) > source_coins) {
source_heap = i;
source_coins = s.getCoins(i);
Move SpartanObject(source_heap, 1, 0, 0);
return SpartanObject;
string player_type;
class SneakyPlayer : public Player {
SneakyPlayer(const string &n) : Player(n) {
player_type = "Sneaky";
virtual const string &getType() const override {
return player_type;
virtual Move play(const State &s) override {
int j = 0;
while (s.getCoins(j) == 0) {
int source_heap = j;
int source_coins = s.getCoins(j);
for (int i = j + 1; i < s.getHeaps(); i++) {
if ((s.getCoins(i) < source_coins) && (s.getCoins(i) > 0)) {
source_heap = i;
source_coins = s.getCoins(i);
Move SneakyObject(source_heap, source_coins, 0, 0);
return SneakyObject;
string player_type;
class RighteousPlayer : public Player {
RighteousPlayer(const string &n) : Player(n) {
player_type = "Righteous";
virtual const string &getType() const override {
return player_type;
virtual Move play(const State &s) override {
int target_heap = 0;
int source_heap = 0;
int source_coins = s.getCoins(0);
int target_coins = source_coins;
for (int i = 1; i < s.getHeaps(); i++) {
if (s.getCoins(i) > source_coins) {
source_heap = i;
source_coins = s.getCoins(i);
} else if (s.getCoins(i) < target_coins) {
target_heap = i;
target_coins = s.getCoins(i);
source_coins -= source_coins / 2;
Move RighteousObject(
source_heap, source_coins, target_heap, source_coins - 1);
return RighteousObject;
string player_type;
Player::Player(const string &n) {
player_name = n;
Player::~Player() {
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Player &player) {
out << player.getType() << " player " << player.player_name;
return out;
class Game {
int game_heaps, game_players, current_heap, current_player;
int *heap_coins;
Player **players_list;
Game(int heaps, int players) {
heap_coins= new int [heaps];
game_heaps = heaps;
game_players = players;
current_heap = 0;
current_player = 0;
players_list = new Player*[players];
~Game() {
delete[] heap_coins;
delete[] players_list;
void addHeap(int coins) throw(logic_error) {
if (current_heap > game_heaps)
throw logic_error("All heaps are full with coins!");
else if (coins < 0)
throw logic_error("Coins must be a positive number!");
else {
heap_coins[current_heap++] = coins;
void addPlayer(Player *player) throw(logic_error) {
if (current_player > game_players)
throw logic_error("All players are added!");
else {
players_list[current_player++] = player;
void play(ostream &out) throw(logic_error) {
if ((current_player != game_players) && (current_heap != game_heaps)) {
throw logic_error("Have you added all heaps and players?");
} else {
int i = 0;
State currentState(game_heaps, heap_coins);
while (!currentState.winning()) {
out << "State: " << currentState << endl;
out << *players_list[i % game_players] << " "
<< players_list[i % game_players]->play(currentState) << endl;
players_list[i % game_players]->play(currentState));
out << "State: " << currentState << endl;
out << *players_list[i % game_players] << " wins" << endl;
int main() {
Game specker(6, 5);
specker.addPlayer(new GreedyPlayer("Alan"));
specker.addPlayer(new SneakyPlayer("Tom"));
specker.addPlayer(new SpartanPlayer("Mary"));
specker.addPlayer(new RighteousPlayer("Robin"));
specker.addPlayer(new pt18a038("Stavros"));
答案 0 :(得分:1)
1)使用Alpha Beta修剪来减小搜索树的大小。
2)在minimax递归调用中没有适当的边界条件(如果深度> 5返回得分或其他东西)(有关详细信息,请参阅我的代码片段),CPU可能会在调用时挂起。
6)一旦您的代码正常运行,请在代码审核中使用&#39; ai&#39;标签,而不是在SO,进行更详细的分析。
int EvaluateLeafNode(State s, const int &players)
//TODO analyze here
return score;
int minimax(State s, const int &players, int depth , const Move move, int alpha, int beta)
if( depth >= 5) return EvaluateLeafNode(s,players); // this was missing in your code
//don't analyze here
//rest of minimax recursive code