有关如何创建它的说明,请访问: http://www.renewablesfirst.co.uk/hydropower/hydropower-learning-centre/what-is-a-flow-duration-curve/
答案 0 :(得分:3)
<小时/> 如果有多个数据集,可以使用
|col1|col2|col3|col4| d|
| A| xx| D| vv| 4|
| A| x| A| xx| 3|
| E| xxx| B| vv| 3|
| F|xxxx| F| vvv| 4|
| G| xxx| G| xx| 4|
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.random.rayleigh(10,144)
sort = np.sort(data)[::-1]
exceedence = np.arange(1.,len(sort)+1) / len(sort)
plt.plot(exceedence*100, sort)
plt.xlabel("Exceedence [%]")
plt.ylabel("Flow rate")
答案 1 :(得分:0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar 15 10:09:13 2018
@author: Florian Ulrich Jehn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def flow_duration_curve(x, comparison=None, axis=0, ax=None, plot=True,
log=True, percentiles=(5, 95), decimal_places=1,
fdc_kwargs=None, fdc_range_kwargs=None,
Calculates and plots a flow duration curve from x.
All observations/simulations are ordered and the empirical probability is
calculated. This is then plotted as a flow duration curve.
When x has more than one dimension along axis, a range flow duration curve
is plotted. This means that for every probability a min and max flow is
determined. This is then plotted as a fill between.
Additionally a comparison can be given to the function, which is plotted in
the same ax.
:param x: numpy array or pandas dataframe, discharge of measurements or
:param comparison: numpy array or pandas dataframe of discharge that should
also be plotted in the same ax
:param axis: int, axis along which x is iterated through
:param ax: matplotlib subplot object, if not None, will plot in that
:param plot: bool, if False function will not show the plot, but simply
return the ax object
:param log: bool, if True plot on loglog axis
:param percentiles: tuple of int, percentiles that should be used for
drawing a range flow duration curve
:param fdc_kwargs: dict, matplotlib keywords for the normal fdc
:param fdc_range_kwargs: dict, matplotlib keywords for the range fdc
:param fdc_comparison_kwargs: dict, matplotlib keywords for the comparison
return: subplot object with the flow duration curve in it
# Convert x to an pandas dataframe, for easier handling
if not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
x = pd.DataFrame(x)
# Get the dataframe in the right dimensions, if it is not in the expected
if axis != 0:
x = x.transpose()
# Convert comparison to a dataframe as well
if comparison is not None and not isinstance(comparison, pd.DataFrame):
comparison = pd.DataFrame(comparison)
# And transpose it is neccesary
if axis != 0:
comparison = comparison.transpose()
# Create an ax is neccesary
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
# Make the y scale logarithmic if needed
if log:
# Determine if it is a range flow curve or a normal one by checking the
# dimensions of the dataframe
# If it is one, make a single fdc
if x.shape[1] == 1:
plot_single_flow_duration_curve(ax, x[0], fdc_kwargs)
# Make a range flow duration curve
plot_range_flow_duration_curve(ax, x, percentiles, fdc_range_kwargs)
# Add a comparison to the plot if is present
if comparison is not None:
ax = plot_single_flow_duration_curve(ax, comparison[0],
# Name the x-axis
ax.set_xlabel("Exceedence [%]")
# show if requested
if plot:
return ax
def plot_single_flow_duration_curve(ax, timeseries, kwargs):
Plots a single fdc into an ax.
:param ax: matplotlib subplot object
:param timeseries: list like iterable
:param kwargs: dict, keyword arguments for matplotlib
return: subplot object with a flow duration curve drawn into it
# Get the probability
exceedence = np.arange(1., len(timeseries) + 1) / len(timeseries)
exceedence *= 100
# Plot the curve, check for empty kwargs
if kwargs is not None:
ax.plot(exceedence, sorted(timeseries, reverse=True), **kwargs)
ax.plot(exceedence, sorted(timeseries, reverse=True))
return ax
def plot_range_flow_duration_curve(ax, x, percentiles, kwargs):
Plots a single range fdc into an ax.
:param ax: matplotlib subplot object
:param x: dataframe of several timeseries
:param decimal_places: defines how finely grained the range flow duration
curve is calculated and drawn. A low values makes it more finely grained.
A value which is too low might create artefacts.
:param kwargs: dict, keyword arguments for matplotlib
return: subplot object with a range flow duration curve drawn into it
# Get the probabilites
exceedence = np.arange(1.,len(np.array(x))+1) /len(np.array(x))
exceedence *= 100
# Sort the data
sort = np.sort(x, axis=0)[::-1]
# Get the percentiles
low_percentile = np.percentile(sort, percentiles[0], axis=1)
high_percentile = np.percentile(sort, percentiles[1], axis=1)
# Plot it, check for empty kwargs
if kwargs is not None:
ax.fill_between(exceedence, low_percentile, high_percentile, **kwargs)
ax.fill_between(exceedence, low_percentile, high_percentile)
return ax
# Create test data
np_array_one_dim = np.random.rayleigh(5, [1, 300])
np_array_75_dim = np.c_[np.random.rayleigh(11 ,[25, 300]),
np.random.rayleigh(10, [25, 300]),
np.random.rayleigh(8, [25, 300])]
df_one_dim = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rayleigh(9, [1, 300]))
df_75_dim = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[np.random.rayleigh(8, [25, 300]),
np.random.rayleigh(15, [25, 300]),
np.random.rayleigh(3, [25, 300])])
df_75_dim_transposed = pd.DataFrame(np_array_75_dim.transpose())
# Call the function with all different arguments
fig, subplots = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3)
ax1 = flow_duration_curve(np_array_one_dim, ax=subplots[0,0], plot=False,
axis=1, fdc_kwargs={"linewidth":0.5})
ax1.set_title("np array one dim\nwith kwargs")
ax2 = flow_duration_curve(np_array_75_dim, ax=subplots[0,1], plot=False,
axis=1, log=False, percentiles=(0,100))
ax2.set_title("np array 75 dim\nchanged percentiles\nnolog")
ax3 = flow_duration_curve(df_one_dim, ax=subplots[0,2], plot=False, axis=1,
log=False, fdc_kwargs={"linewidth":0.5})
ax3.set_title("\ndf one dim\nno log\nwith kwargs")
ax4 = flow_duration_curve(df_75_dim, ax=subplots[1,0], plot=False, axis=1,
ax4.set_title("df 75 dim\nno log")
ax5 = flow_duration_curve(df_75_dim_transposed, ax=subplots[1,1],
ax5.set_title("df 75 dim transposed")
ax6 = flow_duration_curve(df_75_dim, ax=subplots[1,2], plot=False,
comparison=np_array_one_dim, axis=1,
ax6.set_title("df 75 dim\n with comparison\nwith kwargs")
# Show the beauty