我正在开发一个Vue Js 2应用程序,我正在构建商店和不同的模块来分离代码。 有没有办法编写一个通用函数并在所有模块中共享它?
例如,我有一个函数truncate(),我需要在customer.js,cart.js,address.js中使用它。 如果我在store.js中声明它并尝试在模块中使用它会引发错误。 是出口和进口的唯一途径吗? 分享这个功能的最佳方式是什么?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
对于 Vuex模块中的常见可重用功能,您可以使用Vuex Plugins。
查看下面的示例。注意根店的使用情况:plugins: [myTruncatePlugin]
const myTruncatePlugin = store => {
store.truncate = function(str) {
return str.replace(/-/g, '') + ' ...was truncaaaated!'; // example implementation
// Note: I know this re-defines truncate() every time. This is just an example.
// If it is such a problem, you could create it outside and just assign it here.
const moduleA = {
namespaced: true,
state: {name: "name@moduleA"},
mutations: { changeName(state, data) { state.name = this.truncate(data); } },
const moduleB = {
namespaced: true,
state: {title: "title@moduleB"},
mutations: { changeTitle(state, data) { state.title = this.truncate(data); } },
const myStore = new Vuex.Store({
strict: true,
modules: {
aaa: moduleA,
bbb: moduleB
plugins: [myTruncatePlugin] // IMPORTANT: USAGE
new Vue({
store: myStore,
el: '#app',
mounted: function() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
computed: {
...Vuex.mapState('aaa', ['name']),
...Vuex.mapState('bbb', ['title'])
methods: {
...Vuex.mapMutations('aaa', ['changeName']),
...Vuex.mapMutations('bbb', ['changeTitle'])

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuex"></script>
<div id="app">
<p>moduleA's name: {{ name }}</p>
<p>moduleB's title: {{ title }}</p>
对于Vue实例中的常见可重用功能,您可以使用Mixins。对于最常见的情况,Global Mixin(谨慎使用):
methods: {
truncate(str) {
return str.replace(/-/g, '') + ' ...was truncaaaated!'; // example implementation
// this.truncate() will be available in all Vue instances...
new Vue({
el: '#app1',
data: {myStr1: '-o-n-e-'},
mounted() { this.myStr1 = this.truncate(this.myStr1); }
new Vue({
el: '#app2',
data: {myStr2: '-t-w-o-'},
mounted() { this.myStr2 = this.truncate(this.myStr2); }
// ...and components
Vue.component('my-comp', {
template: '#t3',
data() { return {myStr3: '-t-h-r-e-e-'} },
mounted() { this.myStr3 = this.truncate(this.myStr3); }
new Vue({
el: '#app3',
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app1">App1: "{{ myStr1 }}"</div>
<div id="app2">App2: "{{ myStr2 }}"</div>
<template id="t3">
<div>App3's component: "{{ myStr3 }}"</div>
<div id="app3"><my-comp></my-comp></div>
答案 1 :(得分:1)
// register
Vue.component('cart-component', {
template: '<button @click="doTruncate">Cart Truncate!</button>',
methods: {
doTruncate: function() {
this.$parent.doTruncate("Hello from cart");
// register
Vue.component('customer-component', {
template: '<button @click="doTruncate">Customer Truncate!</button>',
methods: {
doTruncate: function() {
this.$parent.doTruncate("Hello from customer");
var app3 = new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
doTruncate: function(params) {
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.5.15/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<button @click="doTruncate('Hello from parent')">
答案 2 :(得分:0)
你可以使用vue js事件来共享像
这样的功能eventBus.js //它将创建公共实例
import Vue from 'vue';
export const eventBus = new Vue();
common.js //您的常用功能将进入此文件
import { eventBus } from '<path of file>';
mounted() {
eventBus.$on('truncate',()=> {
methods: {
//truncate code
customer.js //从customer.js
调用您的常见截断函数import { eventBus } from '<path of file>';