我需要大约200个按钮作为不同颜色的指示器,我有一个真假的列表,并想知道是否有办法更新它们而不必写出200个按钮的名称。 像这样:
ladder.df <- data.frame(start=c(1,4,9,21,28,36,51,71,80), end=c(38,14,31,42,84,44,67,91,100))
snake.df <- data.frame(start=c(98,95,93,87,64,62,56,49,47,16), end=c(78,75,73,24,60,19,53,11,26,6))
curpos <- 0 # Current location
nroll <- 0 # Number of rolls
snakes <- 0 # Number of snakes encountered
ladders <- 0 # Number of ladders encountered
for(i in 1:nop){
while(curpos < 100) {
roll <- sample(6,1)
curpos <- curpos + roll
nroll <- nroll + 1
# Need to check if we landed on a ladder or slide and move forward or back
if (any(ladder.df$s %in% curpos)) {
curpos <- ladder.df$e[ladder.df$s %in% curpos]
ladders <- ladders + 1
if (any(snake.df$s %in% curpos)) {
curpos <- snake.df$e[slide.df$s %in% curpos]
snakes <- snakes + 1
data<-data.frame("Player:"=players[i],"Ladders"=ladders,"Snakes"=snakes,"Number of rolls"=nroll)
但是while (servoNumber != numberOfServos)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(ListServo1Inputs[0 + inputToLookFor]) == true)
indicatorS1Di1.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen;
indicatorS1Di1.BackColor = Color.DarkGray;
indicatorS[increment number here]Di1.BackColor
非常感谢兰德随机! 通过一些小的修改,这就是现在的样子:
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ServoButtonDict[$"indicatorS{incrementalNumber}Di1"].BackColor = Color.LawnGreen;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
foreach (var indicator in ListServoInputs) {
if (indicator.Checked) {
indicator.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen;
} else {
indicator.BackColor = Color.DarkGray;
或者您可以使用ternary operator进行更多简化,这对于简单但冗长的if / else语句非常有用。
foreach (var indicator in ListServoInputs) {
indicator.BackColor = indicator.Checked ? Color.LawnGreen : Color.DarkGray;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
_buttons = new List<Button>(); //this is a field and not a local variable in the load event
for (var i = 0; i < ListServo1Inputs.Count; i++)
_buttons.Add((Button)this.Controls.Find($"indicatorS{i}Di1", true).First());
for (var i = 0; i < ListServo1Inputs.Count; i++)
//you can now use the same index for _controls and ListServo1Inputs - since you constructed a list of controls based on ListServo1Inputs in the loaded event
_buttons[i].BackColor = Convert.ToBoolean(ListServo1Inputs[i]) ? Color.LawnGreen : Color.DarkGray;
我会动态创建按钮。 在您的表单中,您将需要一个带有单击事件和面板的按钮。
public partial class Form1 : Form
//stores the booleans in a list
private readonly List<bool> _values = new List<bool>();
//I use a random to generate the booleans _random.Next(2) will produce either 0 or 1 and _random.Next(2) == 1 will give true on 1 and false on 0
private readonly Random _random = new Random();
public Form1()
//fill the list
//iterate over the list
for (var index = 0; index < _values.Count; index++)
//create a button for each entry
var btn = new Button();
btn.Name = "Values" + index; //dont need the name, but you can fill it as you see fit
btn.Width = 70; //set the width as you desire
btn.Height = 20; //set the height as you desire
btn.Text = btn.Name; //set a text if you like to, I used the .Name
//some math to position the buttons, I here use a grid of 12 since you mentioned your naming scheme changes at 12 S1Di1 -> S1Di12 and than S2Di1 -> S2Di12
btn.Top = (index / 12) * (btn.Height + btn.Margin.Top);
btn.Left = (index % 12) * (btn.Width + btn.Margin.Left);
panel1.Controls.Add(btn); //add the button to a panel thats inside your form, only the buttons that get created here should be inside that panel nothing more
//update the colors of the button
private void FillValues()
//clear the values, before filling it
//you mentioned 200 buttons, so here is a for loop for 200 entries and fill the values with a bool
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
_values.Add(_random.Next(2) == 1);
//of course you dont need to clear the list and re-add the items everytime this method gets called, you can check if (_values.Count == 0) and only than add the items and in else set the new values with _values[i] = newValue - its just the lazy way :)
private void UpdateColors()
//iterate over the list and set the panels Controls[index] to the color - the index will match with the list since you have created the buttons based on the list previously
for (int i = 0; i < _values.Count; i++)
panel1.Controls[i].BackColor = _values[i] ? Color.LawnGreen : Color.DarkGray;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//to have new bools in list fill the values
//update the colors