A = [6.4475 3.3487 Inf 6.4940 6.5480 3.4857 Inf 6.5030 6.5035 3.5732 Inf 6.4951 6.6372 3.3639 Inf 6.5371 Inf 4.4444 Inf Inf;
6.6761 2.3999 Inf 6.8620 6.5776 2.1963 Inf 6.8535 6.8733 3.1184 Inf 6.8688 6.5918 2.2900 Inf 6.8656 Inf 4.4667 Inf Inf;
5.9808 4.1965 Inf 5.8950 6.2467 4.5779 Inf 5.9116 5.9198 4.0071 Inf 5.8938 6.3981 4.3019 Inf 5.9570 Inf 4.3433 Inf Inf;
5.7438 1.5369 Inf 5.9868 5.5404 1.6374 Inf 5.9537 6.0332 2.1704 Inf 6.0024 5.5235 1.5035 Inf 5.9397 Inf 3.5727 Inf Inf;
4.0544 3.8845 Inf 4.1466 4.6749 4.6560 Inf 4.3833 3.7550 3.0591 Inf 4.0693 4.9586 4.1296 Inf 4.6826 Inf 2.5593 Inf Inf];
B = [6.4475 3.3487 Inf 6.4940;
6.5776 2.1963 Inf 6.8535;
5.9198 4.0071 Inf 5.8938;
5.5235 1.5035 Inf 5.9397;
Inf 2.5593 Inf Inf]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
B = A(sub2ind(size(A), repmat((1:size(A,1)).', 1, k), (1:k)+((1:k:size(A,2))-1).'));
的倍数)。请注意,此构造适用于最近的Matlab版本,在旧版本中,您已经调用bsxfun(@plus, 1:k, ((1:k:size(A,2))-1).')
如果你确定在结果中每列只取一个元素,那就让我们更有效率地做: 重塑(1:大小(A,2),k,[])。'
答案 1 :(得分:1)
% Define the data sample...
A = [
6.4475 3.3487 Inf 6.4940 6.5480 3.4857 Inf 6.5030 6.5035 3.5732 Inf 6.4951 6.6372 3.3639 Inf 6.5371 Inf 4.4444 Inf Inf;
6.6761 2.3999 Inf 6.8620 6.5776 2.1963 Inf 6.8535 6.8733 3.1184 Inf 6.8688 6.5918 2.2900 Inf 6.8656 Inf 4.4667 Inf Inf;
5.9808 4.1965 Inf 5.8950 6.2467 4.5779 Inf 5.9116 5.9198 4.0071 Inf 5.8938 6.3981 4.3019 Inf 5.9570 Inf 4.3433 Inf Inf;
5.7438 1.5369 Inf 5.9868 5.5404 1.6374 Inf 5.9537 6.0332 2.1704 Inf 6.0024 5.5235 1.5035 Inf 5.9397 Inf 3.5727 Inf Inf;
4.0544 3.8845 Inf 4.1466 4.6749 4.6560 Inf 4.3833 3.7550 3.0591 Inf 4.0693 4.9586 4.1296 Inf 4.6826 Inf 2.5593 Inf Inf
% Define the script parameters...
k = 4;
n = size(A,2) / k;
% Create the auxiliary matrix for indexing...
aux = repmat({ones(1,k)},1,n);
idx = blkdiag(aux{:});
% Extract the elements using the indexing and properly reshape the result...
B = reshape(A(logical(idx)),k,size(A,1)).'
B =
6.4475 3.3487 Inf 6.4940
6.5776 2.1963 Inf 6.8535
5.9198 4.0071 Inf 5.8938
5.5235 1.5035 Inf 5.9397
Inf 2.5593 Inf Inf