
时间:2011-02-06 20:46:00

标签: java nullpointerexception

我在arraylist之前用作结构,但在这段代码中它不起作用。 有人可以帮助我,因为我找不到错误? (我确定这是我的错,但IDE什么也没说)

流程: 第一堂课比赛。我打电话给runGame并且它正好流动直到 Hand hand = new Hand(this.deck); (这是对签署问题的权利的评论

public class Game {

        private ArrayList<Player> playerArray;
    private int maxPlayers;
        private Deck deck;

    public Game(ArrayList playerArray, int maxPlayers)
        this.playerArray = playerArray;
        this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;

    // game method for the match
    public  void runGame()
            //shuffle of players

            //creation of the deck
            this.deck = new Deck();
            System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() +"  "+"deck created");

            //shuffle the deck 
            System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() +"  "+"deck shuffled");

            // distribuiting the hands to all players
            //and preventing them to send something
            for (int i = 0; i < this.maxPlayers; i++)
                Player currentPlayer = this.playerArray.get(i);
                Socket socket = currentPlayer.getConnection();

                Hand hand = new Hand(this.deck);// the problem starts here  comes form the constructor of the hand
                 System.out.println(" after hand ");

                sendingBlockString(socket, currentPlayer); //send the block string
                sendingHand(socket, currentPlayer, hand );//send the hand


public class Hand  implements Serializable

    private ArrayList<Card> theHand;
    private Player player;
    private int handValue ;  // from 1  to 10 

        public Hand(Deck deck)
            for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
                System.out.println("before popping deck");
                this.theHand.add(i, deck.popCard());// adding the card taken from the deck (5 times)  //// this is the problem  it hangs!
                System.out.println("after add to hand");


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果没有卡片,我会怀疑dec.popCard()会阻止。 <{1}}方法本身无法挂起。