
时间:2018-03-06 18:02:39

标签: c#

我编写了一个代码来生成Highcharts library的图表数据,并且需要知道是否有任何可能的改进。我已经应用了泛型,但认为它可以进一步调整。有人可以推荐什么吗?

我基本上写了一个 GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries 方法,它会生成 BoxPlotChartSeries ,顾名思义。

有两种方法具有相同的名称,接受不同的参数。拥有两种不同的方法是不是一个好主意,或者更好的方法是使用通用方法并将泛型应用于参数,然后根据参数进行检查并执行 if else 方法内的条件?我唯一担心的是方法的长度会不断增加。另请注意,我将创建更多图表,如折线图和样条图。类和方法也需要考虑到这一点。因此,该方法还需要相应地生成样条图数据和折线图数据

请注意以下事项 1. NpvGraphs将包含CommIns,CaptiveIns,SelfIns和EVAGraphs将包含CaptiveView和ParentView。

  1. 我为BloxPlot图表定义了BloxPlotSeries数据。同样,我需要为样条图和折线图定义其他类。假设它们具有不同的属性,同时在您的答案中建议更好的编码标准。
  2. 我很快会将其他图表与 boxplotchart 区分开来。我该如何处理?

     public class Series<T>
            public List<T> data { get; set; }
     public class BloxPlotSeriesData
            public double low { get; set; }
            public double q1 { get; set; }
            public double median { get; set; }
            public double q3 { get; set; }
            public double high { get; set; }
            public string Color { get; set; }
      public class NPVGraphData
            public List<double> CommIns { get; set; }
            public List<double> CaptiveIns { get; set; }
            public List<double> SelfIns { get; set; }
     public class EVAGraphData
            public List<double> CaptiveView { get; set; }
            public List<double> ParentView { get; set; }


    NpvResult = new Models.NpvResults()
      SeriesData = GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries(trigger2Output.NpvResults.GraphData)
     EvaResult = new Models.EvaResults()
     SeriesData =GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries(trigger2Output.EvaResults.GraphData)


    StressResult = new Models.StressTestAnalysis()
        EndingSurplus = new EndingSurplus()


      private Series<BloxPlotSeriesData> GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries(EVAGraphData evaResultsGraphData)
                var captiveViewSeriesData = new BloxPlotSeriesData
                    low = evaResultsGraphData.CaptiveView[0],
                    q1 = evaResultsGraphData.CaptiveView[1],
                    median = evaResultsGraphData.CaptiveView[2],
                    q3 = evaResultsGraphData.CaptiveView[3],
                    high = evaResultsGraphData.CaptiveView[4],
                    Color = "#C111A0"
                var parentViewSeriesData = new BloxPlotSeriesData
                    low = evaResultsGraphData.ParentView[0],
                    q1 = evaResultsGraphData.ParentView[1],
                    median = evaResultsGraphData.ParentView[2],
                    q3 = evaResultsGraphData.ParentView[3],
                    high = evaResultsGraphData.ParentView[4],
                    Color = "#FFB81C"
                return new Series<BloxPlotSeriesData>
                    data = new List<BloxPlotSeriesData> { captiveViewSeriesData, parentViewSeriesData }
            private Series<BloxPlotSeriesData> GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries(NPVGraphData npvResultsGraphData)
                var captiveInsSeriesData = new BloxPlotSeriesData
                    low = npvResultsGraphData.CaptiveIns[0],
                    q1 = npvResultsGraphData.CaptiveIns[1],
                    median = npvResultsGraphData.CaptiveIns[2],
                    q3 = npvResultsGraphData.CaptiveIns[3],
                    high = npvResultsGraphData.CaptiveIns[4],
                    Color = "#C111A0"
                var commInsSeriesData = new BloxPlotSeriesData
                    low = npvResultsGraphData.CommIns[0],
                    q1 = npvResultsGraphData.CommIns[1],
                    median = npvResultsGraphData.CommIns[2],
                    q3 = npvResultsGraphData.CommIns[3],
                    high = npvResultsGraphData.CommIns[4],
                    Color = "#FFB81C"
                var selfInsSeriesData = new BloxPlotSeriesData
                    low = npvResultsGraphData.SelfIns[0],
                    q1 = npvResultsGraphData.SelfIns[1],
                    median = npvResultsGraphData.SelfIns[2],
                    q3 = npvResultsGraphData.SelfIns[3],
                    high = npvResultsGraphData.SelfIns[4],
                    Color = "#5D63D3"
                return new Series<BloxPlotSeriesData>
                    data = new List<BloxPlotSeriesData>{ captiveInsSeriesData, commInsSeriesData, selfInsSeriesData }

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我不知道你是否真的需要泛型,因为你的工作似乎相当专业而且不是非常“通用”:你需要从共享某种结构的类中提取绘图数据。 也许一个简单的类层次结构会怎样? 我所做的只是:

  • 重命名公共属性并在抽象类中“拉起”,该类具有操作公共数据的方法(即共享属性 CaptiveView ParentView
  • 如果子类支持,则创建一个虚拟方法以提供更多数据,就像 SelfIns
  • 一样。
  • 更改公共属性的大小写,因为它们应该是大写的,除非您的团队遵循不同的指导原则
  • 将特定值隔离到私有常量中,以便更好地了解您将在课堂中使用的内容(以及其他原因)
  • 使 GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries 成为一种“鸟瞰”方法,即一种方法可以让您快速了解在没有实施细节的情况下发生的事情
  • 创建两个隐藏实现详细信息的私有(较小)方法 GetCaptivePlotData GetParentData
    • 编辑:将所有方法放在抽象类中,以便它们更容易阅读,参数更少,并且在OOP方面有意义


public class Series<T>
    public List<T> Data { get; set; }

public class BloxPlotSeriesData
    public double Low { get; set; }

    public double Q1 { get; set; }

    public double Median { get; set; }

    public double Q3 { get; set; }

    public double High { get; set; }

    public string Color { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// The base class, holding common drawing data.
/// </summary>
public abstract class GraphData
    private const string CaptivePlotColor = "#C111A0";
    private const string ParentPlotColor = "#FFB81C";

    public List<double> CaptiveView { get; set; }
    public List<double> ParentView { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Override this method in subclasses if you needto provide additional data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>More data to be plotted.</returns>
    public virtual BloxPlotSeriesData ReturnMoreData()
    { return null; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns plot data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Plot data.</returns>
    public Series<BloxPlotSeriesData> GenerateBoxPlotChartSeries()
        BloxPlotSeriesData captiveViewSeriesData = GetCaptivePlotData();
        BloxPlotSeriesData parentViewSeriesData = GetParentData();

        var Result = new Series<BloxPlotSeriesData>
            Data = new List<BloxPlotSeriesData> { captiveViewSeriesData, parentViewSeriesData }

        return AddMoreData(Result);

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds more data if the first argument can provide it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Result"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Series<BloxPlotSeriesData> AddMoreData(Series<BloxPlotSeriesData> Result)
        var MoreData = ReturnMoreData();
        if (MoreData != null)
        return Result;

    private BloxPlotSeriesData GetParentData()
        return new BloxPlotSeriesData
            Low = ParentView[0],
            Q1 = ParentView[1],
            Median = ParentView[2],
            Q3 = ParentView[3],
            High = ParentView[4],
            Color = ParentPlotColor

    private BloxPlotSeriesData GetCaptivePlotData()
        return new BloxPlotSeriesData
            Low = CaptiveView[0],
            Q1 = CaptiveView[1],
            Median = CaptiveView[2],
            Q3 = CaptiveView[3],
            High = CaptiveView[4],
            Color = CaptivePlotColor

public class EVAGraphData : GraphData

public class NPVGraphData : GraphData
    public List<double> SelfIns { get; set; }

    public override BloxPlotSeriesData ReturnMoreData()
        return new BloxPlotSeriesData
            Low = SelfIns[0],
            Q1 = SelfIns[1],
            Median = SelfIns[2],
            Q3 = SelfIns[3],
            High = SelfIns[4],
            Color = "#5D63D3"