
时间:2018-03-05 02:43:56

标签: applescript plist

set some_host to ""

    -- Ping the host.
    do shell script "ping -c 1 -t 1 " & some_host
    -- Set ipAddr.
    set ipAddr to word 3 of result
    -- Combine the IP with the URL & port.
    set urlAddr to "http://" & ipAddr & ":80"
    display dialog "Connection Successful. " & urlAddr buttons {"OK"} default button 1
on error
    -- if we get here, the ping failed
    display dialog "Conection failed. " & some_host & " is down" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try

-- Update the URL with the new IP.
tell application "System Events"
    tell property list file "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist"
    set value of property list item "key" to text of urlAddr
    end tell
end tell


error "System Events got an error: Can’t set property list item \"key\" of property list file \"~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist\" to \"\"." number -10006 from property list item "key" of property list file "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist"

Bookmark.plist示例:所以我们将“Key”替换为“NVR Camera”

            <string>NVR Camera</string>
        <string>your description</string>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这是 Safari bookmarks.plist 文件的摘录:

    <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
    <plist version=\"1.0\">

这只是前24行,其中标签为<key>的标签已经出现了8次 - 大约每三行一次。您可以想象为什么AppleScript在被告知要获取名为"key"的标签时会有点困惑。


    tell application "System Events" to ¬
        tell the property list file ¬
            "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.copy.plist" to ¬
            get every property list item whose name is "key"



虽然plist文件看起来像XML,但AppleScript处理数据的方式与XML文件的方式不同。使用XML文件,您可以使用其标记的名称来引用元素,例如<key>。使用属性列表文件,元素在键/值对中引用,因此,当XML数据中的<key>标记具有由名称"key"表示的时,对于一个plist,它将包含属性的 name ,其值将紧随其后。









    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
            <!-- etc... //-->
            <!-- insert new entry here //-->
        <!-- other stuff //-->


    tell application "System Events" to ¬
        tell the property list file ¬
            "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.copy.plist" to ¬
            get the properties of the last property list item of ¬
                the property list item "Children"


     {value:{URIDictionary: ¬
         {title:""}, ¬
          previewText:"The title of the website", ¬
          ReadingListNonSync:{neverFetchMetadata:false}, ¬
          Sync:{ServerID:"DAV-DB576E16-E590-44D3-839F-63C0A1A8D3BC", ¬
               |data|:«a whole lot of data»}, ¬
          WebBookmarkUUID:"A5E4774A-2C26-4AD1-9938-D192C26860B8", ¬
          URLString:"", ¬
          WebBookmarkType:"WebBookmarkTypeLeaf", ¬
          previewTextIsUserDefined:true}, ¬
      kind:record, ¬
      class:property list item, ¬
      name:missing value, ¬
      text:"The XML representation of the property list data."}

这告诉我哪些项构成了plist文件中的单个书签条目。请记住,从AppleScript的角度来看,每个项目本身都是property list item,因此需要单独创建。我假设我们可以忽略WebBookmarkUUIDsync,它们都包含我们自己无法生成的数据。但其余的都很简单。


    set urlAddr to ""

    tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
        the property list file "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist" to tell ¬
        the property list item "Children" to tell ¬
        (make new property list item ¬
            at end of property list items ¬
            with properties {kind:record})

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"URIDictionary", kind:record}

        tell the result to make new property list item ¬
            with properties {name:"title", value:"", kind:string}

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"previewText", value:"Information about", kind:string}

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"URLString", value:urlAddr, kind:string}

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"WebBookmarkType", value:"WebBookmarkTypeLeaf", kind:string}

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"previewTextIsUserDefined", value:true, kind:boolean}

        make new property list item with properties ¬
            {name:"_tag", value:"AppleScript", kind:string}
    end tell

    return the result

在我的系统上运行此功能,成功创建了一个名为&#34;;的新书签条目,点击后,尝试将我带到URL&#34; ; (根据urlAddr变量的虚拟值。


要在每次运行脚本时更新它,您所要做的就是获取对书签的引用,然后引用property list item,其中包含有关书签指向的URL的信息。


    tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
        the property list file "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.copy.plist" to tell ¬
        the property list item "Children" to ¬
        set bookmark to ¬
            the first property list item whose ¬
            name of property list items contains "_tag"


    tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
        the property list file "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist" to tell ¬
        the property list item "Children"

        set bookmark to ¬
            the first property list item whose ¬
            name of property list items contains "_tag"

        set URLString to the first property list item ¬
            of bookmark whose name is "URLString"

        set the value of URLString to urlAddr
    end tell


在进一步测试并返回以检查通过AppleScript提交的更改后的bookmarks.plist文件时,会出现 Safari 自动删除用户定义键_tag,这是一种耻辱。相反,它会插入WebBookmarkUUID并为其生成值,这很棒。


因此,这个新脚本必须更长。它旨在替换以tell application "System Events"开头的脚本部分。


    set urlAddr to ""
    set myTitle to ""
    set plistFile to "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist"

    tell application "System Events"
        tell ¬
            the property list file plistFile to tell ¬
            the property list item "Children" to ¬
            set top_level to a reference to it

        set bookmarks to a reference to ¬
            (property list items of the top_level ¬
                whose name of property list items ¬
                contains "URLString")

        set labels to ¬
            a reference to property list item "title" of ¬
                property list item "URIDictionary" of ¬
                property list items of ¬
                the bookmarks

        if the value of the result ¬
            does not contain myTitle then ¬
            return saveBookmark of me ¬
                for urlAddr ¬
                to plistFile ¬
                at a reference to property list items of the top_level ¬
                given |title|:myTitle, previewText:"your description"

        repeat with i from the number of bookmarks to 1 by -1

            if item i of ¬
                the value of the labels is ¬
                myTitle then ¬
                exit repeat

        end repeat

        set bookmark to item i of bookmarks
        set the value of ¬
            property list item "URLString" of ¬
            the bookmark to ¬
            the urlAddr
    end tell

    to saveBookmark for www as string ¬
        at locationRef ¬
        to plist as string : "~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist" given title:T ¬
        as string, previewText:_t as string : ""

        local www, locationRef, plist
        local T, _t

        tell application "System Events" to tell the property list file plist

            tell (make new property list item at end of locationRef ¬
                with properties {kind:record})

                tell (make new property list item with properties ¬
                    {name:"URIDictionary", kind:record}) to ¬
                    make new property list item with properties ¬
                        {name:"title", value:T, kind:string}

                make new property list item with properties ¬
                    {name:"previewText", value:_t}

                make new property list item with properties ¬
                    {name:"URLString", value:www}

                make new property list item with properties ¬
                    {name:"WebBookmarkType", value:"WebBookmarkTypeLeaf"}

                make new property list item with properties ¬
                    {name:"previewTextIsUserDefined", value:true}

            end tell
        end tell
    end saveBookmark

