
时间:2018-03-04 22:44:18

标签: php mysql arrays ajax

我有一个由SVG元素调用的javascript函数,用于将2个变量和一个多维数组传递给php文件。然后php文件将使用传递的数据在一个MYSQL表中创建记录,在另一个表中创建几个记录 - 使用传递的变量(数组和2个变量)。


数组的数据也传递没有错误。我在传递AJAX之前测试过有数据 - 请参阅功能代码。



任何帮助表示赞赏 - 查理

请参阅代码: Javascript函数

function createexercise(id)
    pathways = <?php echo json_encode($myarray) ?>;

    for (var x=1;x<=15;x++)//loops through pathway array and makes each pathway non visible
            document.getElementById(x).style.visibility = "hidden";
        }//for loop scope

    var z=0;
    var SPX=0;
    var SPY=0;
    var EPX=0;
    var EPY=0;

        for(var x=0;x<=newpath.length-1;x++)//cycle through exercise pathways
            for (var y=0;y<=pathways.length-1; y++)// cycle through ALL pathways possible
                if(y==0)//if first possible pathway add Start X coordinate to Start Y coordinate
                    pathwayselected=pathwayselected+pathways[y][3]+","+pathways[y][4]+" ";          
                }//if scope


                if(z==newpath[x] && y>0)//if first possible pathway add Start X coordinate to Start Y coordinate to End X and Y coordinates
                    var selected = document.getElementById(newpath[z]);
                    pathwayselected=pathwayselected+" L"+SPX+","+SPY+" L"+EPX+","+EPY+" ";
                }//if scope
            }//y loop scope                         
        }//x loop scope

        // Test to show that the "pathways" array is data populated
        for(q=5; q<6; q++)
        alert("Pathway ID element is....:"+pathways[q][0]);
        alert("Pathway Start ID element is....:"+pathways[q][1]);
        alert("Pathway End IDelement is....:"+pathways[q][2]);
        alert("Pathway Start X Coord element is....:"+pathways[q][3]);
        alert("Pathway Start Y Coord element is....:"+pathways[q][4]);
        alert("Pathway End X Coord element is....:"+pathways[q][5]);
        alert("Pathway End Y Coord element is....:"+pathways[q][6]);    

        // Then the Exercise ID and the pathway string that has been built is sent to a PHP file to create a
        // mysql database "Exercise" record and a series of "Exercise Pathway" records

        var exid = parseInt(id);   

        type: "POST",
        url: "InsertExercisePathsSecure.php",
        data: {'id': exid, 'PathSelected': pathwayselected,'data' : pathways}, 
        cache: false,

        success: function(data){
            alert("OK we are back");
        error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError)
            {   alert("Error code is....:"+xhr.status); }
        });//s.ajax outer scope

    var rect = document.getElementById("start");
    var rectt1 = document.getElementById("t1");

  }//end of function createexercise scope

php文件 - InsertExercisePathsSecure.php

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

# Fill our variables to set up environment

$dbname = '???????';
$dbuser = '???????';
$dbpass = '???????';
$dbhost = '???????';

# set the database connection to be used using php function
$conn=mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

// allocate php variables to $_POST[] data received

$EID = $_POST['id'];
$PathData = $_POST['PathSelected'];
$data = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']));

// create mysql query using php variables and then execute it

mysqli_query($conn,"INSERT INTO ExerciseTable (ExerciseID, PathwayData)
VALUES ('$EID', '$PathData')"); 

// loop through received decoded array and allocate php variables to
each element field
// after variable allocation execute mysql process

for ($x=0; $x<15; $x++)
    $PID = $data[$x][0];
    $TL = $data[$x][2];
    $EP = $data[$x][3];
    $ROW = $data[$x][4];
    $PS = $data[$x][5];

    mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO ExercisePathwayTable (ExerciseID,
    PathwayID, tablelocator, ExercisePathway, Row, PathwaySequence)



  [Log]     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
 Transitional//EN"     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1- 
 transitional.dtd"> (SVGDOMCreate.php, line 194)
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"

    array(3) {
  string(2) "18"
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      string(1) "8"
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      string(1) "8"
      string(1) "4"
      string(3) "360"
      string(2) "25"
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    string(5) "false"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我刚刚意识到我应该在一开始就意识到 - 你没有任何JSON数据。

$data = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']));


$data = $_POST['data'];

然后你的代码就可以了(除了索引15上的最后一个查询可能会失败,因为$ data的索引中没有数据,你可能想检查一下)。

您的ajax请求是以标准格式 - urlencoded格式发送数据。尽管您可能在$ .ajax调用中提供了一个JavaScript(注意,而不是JSON!)对象作为data:选项,但jQuery会以静默方式将其转换并编码为标准数据字符串。如果您要为ajax设置不同的contentType,例如JSON,然后它会为你转换为JSON,但这不是必需的,无论如何你完成它的方式更简单。