public class OneToManySource {
public OneToManySource SourceChild { get;set; } // will sometimes be null
public int Value { get; set; }
public interface IDestination
public class ChildlessDestination: IDestination
public int DestValue { get; set; }
public class ChildedDestination: IDestination
public int DestValue { get; set; }
public IDestination DestinationChild { get; set; } // Never null. If it would be null, use a ChildlessDestination instead.
public MapperConfigurationExpression Configure(MapperConfigurationExpression expression) {
expression.CreateMap<OneToManySource, ChildedDestination>()
.ForMember(d => d.DestValue, cfg => cfg.MapFrom(s => s.Value))
.ForMember(d => d.DestinationChild, opt => opt.MapFrom(s => s.SourceChild))
expression.CreateMap<OneToManySource, ChildlessDestination>()
.ForMember(d => d.DestValue, cfg => cfg.MapFrom(s => s.Value))
expression.CreateMap<OneToManySource, IDestination>()
.ConstructUsing((source, context) =>
if (source.SourceChild == null) {
return context.Mapper.Map<ChildlessDestination>(source);
return context.Mapper.Map<ChildedDestination>(source);
expression.CreateMap<IDestination, OneToManySource>()
.ConstructUsing((source, context) =>
return context.Mapper.Map<OneToManySource>(source);
return expression;