protocol ValidatorError: Error {
var somePrintableThingy: String { get }
protocol Validator {
associatedType T
var model: T { get set }
init(model: T)
func validate() throws where Error: ValidatorError
class SomeModelErrorNotValidatorError: Error {
case invalidUsername
class SomeModelError: ValidatorError {
case invalidUsername
var somePrintableThingy: String {
switch self { case .invalidUsername: return "haha" }
class SomeModel {
var username: String = ""
init(username: String) { self.username = username }
class SomeModelValidator: Validator {
var model: SomeModel
init(model: SomeModel) { self.model = model }
func validate() throws {
guard self.model.username.isEmpty else {
// this line should be fine
throw SomeModelError.invalidUsername
// if i replace it with this line it should not be fine
throw SomeModelErrorNotValidatorError.invalidUsername
class SomeModelViewController: UIViewController {
// .. some other codes here
func buttonClicked(_ sender: Any? = nil) {
let model = SomeModel(username: self.txtUsername.text ?? "")
let validator = SomeModelValidator(model: model)
do {
try validator.validate()
} catch let error {
// since I already know that this is a `SomeModelError`
// I could just do this
PS PS:另一种可行的解决方法是使用linting工具,但这太过分了。