Jenkins - 在Jenkins构建中添加其他构建信息(例如:存储已部署的版本)

时间:2018-02-27 11:24:31

标签: jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline pipeline

我正在使用Jenkin Pipeline工作:


formTo = $('#' + formTo);

我不想使用下面帖子中提到的文件或其他方法。 Hudson: What is a good way to store a variable between the two job runs?


 1. There is a Job-1
 2. Job 1 has lot of builds.
 3. During the build run store some information in the build.Ex: Deployed  version of the application 
 4. Access the stored information from other Job-2. 
 5. From Job-2 I can able to access the basic build information like  BUILD_NUMBER, GIT_BRANCH etc..,
 6. Even i can able to add some information in the build description and able to access it from Job-2. But i would like to store and retrieve lot of information . So storing it in build description looks messy.


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