MutidexKeep file does not work for android espresso apk to declare classes required in the primary DEX file

时间:2018-02-26 17:52:11

标签: android android-espresso android-multidex

My test apk has multiple classes.dex . I am trying to get all the classes to appear in the main classes.dex using the multiDexKeepFile and also the multiDexKeepProguard property as mentioned in I am adding

    multiDexKeepFile file('multidex-config.txt')
    multiDexKeepProguard file('multidexKeepConfig.txt')

in the build.gradle under automation build types

android {
buildTypes {
    automation {
        multiDexKeepFile file('multidex-config.txt')


Once I generate the test apk , I still dont see the classes listed in my multidex-config.txt and multidexKeepConfig.txt appear in the first classes.dex.

I am not sure if this is a limitation with espresso test apk, as the above link talks about adding it in the release build type

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