从csv文件导入Dataframe。 '类型'和'主题'是项目的属性。 '标签'是一个长字符串列,包含每个项目的混合(随机排序)标记(由','分隔)。基本上我需要做的是检查标签'中是否有正确的主题标签(col_ {theme})。列,如果没有,请将其添加到'标记'列。
第8项:有一个' col_t3'在'标签'专栏,其主题是' t3'。所以这是正确的,我们通过了。
第1项:有一个' col_t1'在'标签'列,但它的实际主题是' t2',所以我需要替换' col_t1'与' col_t2'并在同一列中保持其他标签不变
第2项和第5项:没有' col_ {theme}'标记'标记'列,所以我添加了' col_t1'和' col_t5'他们的标签'分别为。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({"type": ["a", "c", "d", "a", "b", "a", "a", "c"],
"tags": ["col_t1, col_red, large", np.nan, "col_t2, col_black, small",
"col_t4, large, col_yellow", "col_gold, col_fancy,", "col_t1, thick, col_k",
np.nan, "col_t3, fancy, red"],
"theme": ["t2", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t2", "t1", np.nan, "t3"]})
df.set_index(np.arange(1, len(df)+1), inplace=True)
print df
tags theme type
1 col_t1, col_red, large t2 a
2 NaN t1 c
3 col_t2, col_black, small t2 d
4 col_t4, large, col_yellow t3 a
5 col_gold, col_fancy, t2 b
6 col_t1, thick, col_k t1 a
7 NaN NaN a
8 col_t3, fancy, red t3 c
prefix = "col_"
# Iterate over rows with non-empty theme
for row in df[df["theme"].notnull()].itertuples():
if pd.isnull(row.tags):
# Replace NaN in tags column with a single tag from theme column
df.loc[row.Index, "tags"] = prefix + row.theme
# Extract existing tags with prefix
inferred_tags = [t.replace(prefix, "") for t in row.tags.split(",") if prefix in t]
if row.theme not in inferred_tags:
df.loc[row.Index, "tags"] = row.tags.rstrip(" ,") + ", " + prefix + row.theme
print df
tags theme type
1 col_t1, col_red, large, col_t2 t2 a
2 col_t1 t1 c
3 col_t2, col_black, small t2 d
4 col_t4, large, col_yellow, col_t3 t3 a
5 col_gold, col_fancy, col_t2 t2 b
6 col_t1, thick, col_k t1 a
7 NaN NaN a
8 col_t3, fancy, red t3 c
prefix = "col_"
# Find all unique themes (notnull() excludes nan from the list)
themes = df[df["theme"].notnull()]["theme"].unique()
# Add prefex to all themes for comparison with tags; convert to set
prefixed_themes = set([prefix + t for t in themes])
# Iterate over rows with non-empty theme
for row in df[df["theme"].notnull()].itertuples():
if pd.isnull(row.tags):
# Replace NaN in tags column with a single tag from theme column
df.loc[row.Index, "tags"] = prefix + row.theme
# Extract existing tags with prefix (do not remove prefix; remove all spaces)
inferred_tags = row.tags.replace(" ", "").split(",")
# Use sets to check if there is any intersection between tags and themes
if len(set(inferred_tags).intersection(prefixed_themes)) > 0:
# Iterate over inferred_tags to find and replace matches with themes
for idx, t in enumerate(inferred_tags):
if t in prefixed_themes:
inferred_tags[idx] = prefix + row.theme
df.loc[row.Index, "tags"] = ", ".join(inferred_tags)
# In this case, add theme to tags (no replacement)
df.loc[row.Index, "tags"] = row.tags.rstrip(" ,") + ", " + prefix + row.theme
print df
tags theme type
1 col_t2, col_red, large t2 a
2 col_t1 t1 c
3 col_t2, col_black, small t2 d
4 col_t4, large, col_yellow, col_t3 t3 a
5 col_gold, col_fancy, col_t2 t2 b
6 col_t1, thick, col_k t1 a
7 NaN NaN a
8 col_t3, fancy, red t3 c