我刚刚编写了我的第一个WCF服务,事情看起来非常顺利,直到我需要在VB.NET Web表单中使用该服务。服务中的Function声明是:
Public Function ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNet(InvoiceID As String, Description As String, CustomerID As String, CardNumber As String, ExpirationDate As String, _
CVV As String, Price As String, FirstName As String, LastName As String, Address As String, State As String, Zip As String, CompanyName As String, BillingCity As String, _
BillingState As String, BillingZip As String, Login As String, TranKey As String, MD5Hash As String, AuthorizeURL As String, ByRef ResponseReasonCode As Integer, _
ByRef ResponseReasonText As String) As Integer Implements IService1.ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNet
Argument not specified for parameter 'ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNetResult' of 'Public Sub ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNet(InvoiceID As String, Description As String, CustomerID As String, CardNumber As String, ExpirationDate As String, CVV As String, Price As String, FirstName As String, LastName As String, Address As String, State As String, Zip As String, CompanyName As String, BillingCity As String, BillingState As String, BillingZip As String, Login As String, TranKey As String, MD5Hash As String, AuthorizeURL As String, ByRef ResponseReasonCode As Integer, ByRef ResponseReasonCodeSpecified As Boolean, ByRef ResponseReasonText As String, ByRef ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNetResult As Integer, ByRef ProcessCCPaymentAuthorizeDotNetResultSpecified As Boolean)'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我建议stepping through the code with the debugger。请记住,您始终可以包含try catch并查看异常的StackTrace属性,以帮助您确定代码失败的位置。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我通过将SELECT mu.`id`, mu.`email`
FROM `merchant` m
LEFT JOIN `merchant_user_permission` mup ON m.id = mup.merchant_id
LEFT JOIN `merchant_user` mu ON mu.id = mup.user_id
WHERE mup.`merchant_id` = '123-3456-7789-qwerty'