python pandas数据帧趋势指示器在for循环中运行如何避免循环并优化此代码

时间:2018-02-21 11:09:55

标签: python pandas dataframe time-series




输入结构(来自atr计算出的输出 - supert,supert1,supert3)是通过调用ST三次产生的输出,如果这是一个只能返回ST值的函数,可以很容易地附加到现有的数据帧中。

            open    high     low    close   atr lband2  finaluband  finaluband1 finaluband2 finallband  finallband1 finallband2 supert  supert1 supert2
01-07-02    5.2397  5.5409  5.2397  5.4127  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
02-07-02    5.5234  5.537   5.4214  5.4438  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
03-07-02    5.506   5.5458  5.3281  5.4661  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
04-07-02    5.5011  5.572   5.4175  5.5283  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
05-07-02    5.5633  5.6566  5.4749  5.5905  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
08-07-02    5.5011  5.7187  5.5011  5.6255  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
09-07-02    5.5905  5.7586  5.5681  5.6167  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
10-07-02    5.4885  5.4885  5.1465  5.2222  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
11-07-02    4.9784  5.2135  4.9784  5.1863  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
12-07-02    5.5011  5.5011  5.2446  5.3194  NaN 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
15-07-02    5.3243  5.4797  5.1912  5.333   0.24036 4.61437 5.57581 5.81617 6.05653 5.09509 4.85473 4.61437 5.57581 5.81617 6.05653
16-07-02    5.1999  5.4389  5.1999  5.3155  0.240224    4.598728    5.559624    5.799848    6.040072    5.09509 4.85473 4.61437 5.559624    5.799848    6.040072
17-07-02    4.7024  5.1377  4.6189  5.0445  0.285862    4.020715    5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    5.09509 4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
18-07-02    4.8803  5.1465  4.8356  5.0804  0.288365    4.125954    5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    4.702685    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
19-07-02    5.027   5.2038  5.0221  5.1513  0.277699    4.279853    5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    4.835251    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
22-07-02    5.0804  5.1465  4.9687  4.9735  0.268189    4.253033    5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    4.835251    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
23-07-02    4.8181  5.0843  4.8181  5.0619  0.26799 4.14723 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    4.835251    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
24-07-02    5.058   5.129   4.9376  5.0619  0.260331    4.252307    5.164162    5.450023    5.735885    4.835251    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.450023    5.735885
25-07-02    5.058   5.058   4.7918  4.8492  0.261308    4.140976    5.164162    5.447516    5.708824    4.835251    4.85473 4.61437 5.164162    5.447516    5.708824
26-07-02    5.1465  5.1465  4.7297  4.8715  0.276857    4.107528    5.164162    5.447516    5.708824    4.835251    4.384386    4.61437 5.164162    5.447516    5.708824
29-07-02    4.2235  4.2507  3.9038  4.2507  0.345941    3.039426    4.423191    4.769133    5.115074    4.835251    4.384386    4.61437 4.423191    4.769133    5.115074
30-07-02    4.17    4.3255  4.0369  4.2769  0.340207    3.160578    4.423191    4.769133    5.115074    3.840993    3.500785    3.160578    4.423191    4.769133    5.115074
31-07-02    4.1797  4.3031  4.1486  4.2108  0.321637    3.26094 4.423191    4.769133    5.115074    3.904213    3.582577    3.26094 4.423191    4.769133    5.115074
01-08-02    4.2507  4.5169  4.2507  4.4586  0.320083    3.423551    4.423191    4.769133    5.115074    4.063717    3.743634    3.423551    4.063717    4.769133    5.115074
02-08-02    4.068   4.6101  4.068   4.4984  0.342285    3.312196    4.681335    4.769133    5.115074    4.063717    3.743634    3.423551    4.063717    4.769133    5.115074
05-08-02    4.5965  4.7918  4.5256  4.7918  0.337396    3.646511    4.681335    4.769133    5.115074    4.321304    3.983908    3.646511    4.321304    3.983908    5.115074
06-08-02    4.6276  4.6811  4.6276  4.65    0.320077    3.69412 4.974427    5.294503    5.115074    4.334273    4.014197    3.69412 4.334273    4.014197    5.115074
07-08-02    4.8006  4.854   4.6587  4.752   0.308469    3.830943    4.974427    5.294503    5.115074    4.447881    4.139412    3.830943    4.447881    4.139412    5.115074
08-08-02    4.7918  4.7918  4.614   4.65    0.295402    3.816694    4.974427    5.293704    5.115074    4.447881    4.139412    3.830943    4.447881    4.139412    5.115074
09-08-02    4.6587  4.7024  4.5742  4.7024  0.278682    3.802255    4.916982    5.195664    5.115074    4.447881    4.139412    3.830943    4.447881    4.139412    5.115074

如何重写此代码,以便在不使用for循环的情况下,可以在不影响准确性的情况下实现相同的结果。我希望单个函数调用将pandas dataframe格式中的“supert”值添加到stockdata。

def ST(high, low, close, atr, prevfinaluband, prevfinallband, prevsupertrend,
       prevclose, multiplier):
    upperbasicband = ((high+low)/2 + (multiplier * atr))
    lowerbasicband = ((high+low)/2 - (multiplier * atr))
    if upperbasicband < prevfinaluband or prevclose > prevfinaluband:
        upperband = upperbasicband
        upperband = prevfinaluband
    if lowerbasicband > prevfinallband or prevclose < prevfinallband:
        lowerband = lowerbasicband
        lowerband = prevfinallband

    if prevsupertrend == prevfinaluband:
        if close <= upperband:
            supertrend = upperband
            supertrend = lowerband
        if prevsupertrend == prevfinallband:
            if close >= lowerband:
                supertrend = lowerband
                supertrend = upperband
            supertrend = 0.0

    return upperbasicband, lowerbasicband, upperband, lowerband, supertrend

for i in range(1, len(stockdata)):
    if np.isnan(stockdata['atr'][i]):
    uband, lband, finaluband, finallband, supert =\
        customindicator.ST(stockdata['high'][i], stockdata['low'][i],
           stockdata['close'][i], stockdata['atr'][i],
           stockdata['finaluband'][i-1], stockdata['finallband'][i-1],
            stockdata['supert'][i-1], stockdata['close'][i-1],
            multiplier =7)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




矢量化将为您带来巨大的改进。与 31.4毫秒矢量化版本相比, 14.9秒原始样本为10 ** 5值。

#generate sample
n = 10**5
stockdata = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(n,7)),

            columns = ['atr','high', 'low','close','finaluband','finallband','supert'])
print (stockdata.shape)

SuperST将返回DataFrame上的所有stockdata for i in range(3)它恰好是不同乘法的循环,您可以将其重写为for i in [7,8,9]: SuperST(stockdata,estim,i)


df_res = stockdata
estim = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((df_res.shape[0],5)), index = df_res.index,
                         columns=['uband', 'lband', 'finaluband', 'finallband', 'supert'])

for i in range(3):
    estim = SuperST(stockdata,estim)
    df_res = df_res.join(estim,rsuffix="{}".format(i))
    print(df_res[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'atr', 'lband2', 'finaluband',
       'finaluband1', 'finaluband2', 'finallband', 'finallband1',
       'finallband2', 'supert', 'supert1', 'supert2']])


def SuperST(stockdata,estim,multiplier = 7):
    #first we need next row value
    df_prev = estim[['finaluband','finallband','supert']].join(stockdata[['close']]).shift(1)
    # name colums as it was in paramas
    df_prev.columns = ['prevfinaluband', 'prevfinallband', 'prevsupertrend', 'prevclose']
    # working matrix parmas with shifed values w/o NaN in ATR
    df = stockdata.dropna().join(df_prev).fillna(0)

    #calulate vectors 
    upperbasicband = ((df.high+df.low)/2 + (multiplier * df.atr))
    lowerbasicband = ((df.high+df.low)/2 - (multiplier * df.atr))
    # np.where is a vector version of if
    upperband = np.where((upperbasicband < df.prevfinaluband) | (df.prevclose > df.prevfinaluband),
    lowerband = np.where ((lowerbasicband > df.prevfinallband) | (df.prevclose < df.prevfinallband),

    supertrend = np.where (df.prevsupertrend == df.prevfinaluband,
                             np.where(df.close <= upperband,
                          np.where(df.prevsupertrend == df.prevfinallband,
                                      np.where(df.close >= lowerband,

    return upperbasicband.to_frame('uband').assign( 
                    lband = lowerbasicband).assign(
                    finaluband = upperband).assign(
                    finallband = lowerband).assign(
                    supert = supertrend)