
时间:2018-02-18 22:29:27

标签: swift nsattributedstring uialertcontroller


let htmlText = "Some text from API with random links here and there"
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Details", message:"", preferredStyle: .alert)
alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default, handler: nil))
let attributedText = htmlText.html2AttributedString
alertController.setValue(attributedText, forKey: "attributedTitle")

字符串扩展 html2AttributedString 此处,但此扩展程序正在运行,因此无需检查此部分

extension String {
    var html2AttributedString: NSAttributedString? {
        do {
            return try NSAttributedString(data: Data(utf8),
                                          options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html,
                                                    .characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue],
                                          documentAttributes: nil)
        } catch {
            print("error: ", error)
            return nil

1 个答案:

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以标准方式无法实现,因为您无权访问UILabel内部的UIAlertController 在普通的UILabel中,您可以在UILabel上添加轻击手势并进行处理。 所以在这里你需要一个自定义的UIAlertController


var links : [String:NSURL] = [:]
let range = NSMakeRange(0, attributedText.length)
attributedText.enumerateAttribute(.link, in: range, options: .longestEffectiveRangeNotRequired) {attribute, range, pointer in

    let text = attributedText.attributedSubstring(from: range).string
    if let url = attribute as? NSURL {
           links[text] = url

links.forEach { (linkText, url) in
    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: linkText, style: .default, handler: {_ in
                    UIApplication.shared.openURL(url as URL)