Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 64
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
def start():
print("* Welcome to Spicy's Processing Power / TDP Calculator! (SPPTDPC) *")
print("* Version 0.0.5 *")
print("** This program is still in alpha stage and isn't perfect **")
print("If you are unsure about one of the questions, look up the specs of the part on a website like PCPartPicker or TechPowerUP")
def cpu():
global r
global cpus
global cputdp
name = input("What is the name of your processor?")
c = float(input("How many cores does the "+name+" have?"))
t = float(input("How many threads does the "+name+" have?"))
l1 = float(input("How much L1 cache (in total) does the "+name+" have in KB?"))
l2 = float(input("How much L2 cache (in total) does the "+name+" have in MB?"))
l3 = float(input("How much L3 cache (in total) does the "+name+" have in MB?"))
g = float(input("What is the clock speed (in GHz) of the "+name+"?"))
n = float(input("What is the fabrication process of the "+name+" in nm?"))
r = float(input("What type of RAM does the "+name+" use? Enter 3 for DDR3, 4 for DDR4, etc."))
cputdp = float(input("What is the TDP of the "+name+"?"))
cpus = (c+t+g+r+l2+(l1/100)+(.3*l3))/n #CPU Processing Power Formula
print("** The "+name+" has a score of "+str(cpus)+". **")
def ram():
global rtdp
global rams
g = float(input("How much RAM does your system have (in GB?)"))
m = float(input("What is the speed of your slowest installed DIMM? (in MHz)"))
rtdp = float(input("How many DIMMs do you have installed?"))
rtdp = rtdp*4
rams = ((r+(m/500))*g)/150 #RAM Processing Power Formula
print("** Your RAM score is "+str(rams)+". **")
def gpu():
print("** The "+gpuname+" has a score of "+str(gpus)+". **")
gputdp = float(input("What is the TDP of the "+gpuname+"?"))
def gputest():
global gpuname
global memtyp
global gputdp
gpuname = input("What is the name of your GPU?")
memtyp = int(input("What type of memory does your GPU use? 0 for GDDR, 1 for HBM"))
gputdp = float(input("What is the TDP of your GPU?"))
if memtyp == 0:
if memtyp == 1:
print("Error: Please enter either 0 or 1.")
def gddr():
global gpus
gc = float(input("How many cores does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
gt = float(input("How many TMUs does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
go = float(input("How many ROPs does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
gm = float(input("How much memory (in MB) does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
gr = float(input("What type of memory does the "+gpuname+" have? Enter 3 for GDDR3, 5 for GDDR5, and 8 for GDDR5X (to account for its additional data rate)"))
gb = float(input("What is the bus width of the "+gpuname+"?"))
gg = float(input("What is the clock speed of the "+gpuname+" in GHz?"))
gmg = float(input("What is the effective memory speed of the "+gpuname+" in MHz?"))
gn = float(input("What is the fabrication process of the "+gpuname+" in nm?"))
gpus = (((gc/400)+(gt/25)+(go/10)+(gm/1000)+(gb/30)+(gg*2)+(gmg/1000))*((gr/gn)/25) #GDDR GPU Processing Power Formula
def hbm():
global gpus
hgc = float(input("How many cores does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
hgt = float(input("How many TMUs does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
hgo = float(input("How many ROPs does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
hgm = float(input("How much memory (in MB) does the "+gpuname+" have?"))
hgr = float(input("What type of HBM does the "+gpuname+" have? Enter 1 for HBM, 2 for HBM2, etc."))
hgb = float(input("What is the bus width of the "+gpuname+"?"))
hgg = float(input("What is the clock speed of the "+gpuname+" in GHz?"))
hgmg = float(input("What is the effective memory speed of the "+gpuname+" in MHz?"))
hgn = float(input("What is the fabrication process of the "+gpuname+" in nm?"))
gpus = (((hgc/400)+(hgt/25)+(hgo/10)+(hgm/1000)+(hgb/250)+(hgg*2)+(hgmg/150))/((hgr/hgn)/25) #HBM GPU Processing Power Formula
def drive():
print("** The "+gpuname+" has a score of "+str(gpus)+". **")
global typ
typ = float(input("Is your boot drive an HDD or SSD? Enter 1 for HDD, 2 for SSD."))
if typ == 1:
if typ == 2:
def hdd():
global free
global total
global hds
rpm = float(input("What is the RPM of your HDD?"))
free = float(input("How much storage is available (not filled) on your boot drive (in GB)"))
total = float(input("What is the total amount of storage on your boot drive (in GB)"))
hds = (((1/p)*100)*(rpm/1000))/12 #HDD Processing Power Formula
def ssd():
global free
global total
global hds
free = float(input("How much storage is available (not filled) on your boot drive (in GB)"))
total = float(input("What is the total amount of storage on your boot drive (in GB)"))
hds = ((((1/p)*100)*5)*typ)/12 #SSD Processing Power Formula
def freespace():
global p
p = (free/total)*100
print("* Your boot drive is "+str(p)+"% free. *")
def drivetdp():
global ssdtdp
global hddtdp
ssdtdp = float(input("How many SSDs do you have installed in your system?"))
ssdtdp = ssdtdp*3.25
hddtdp = float(input("How many HDDs do you have installed in your system?"))
hddtdp = hddtdp*8
print("** Your boot drive's score is "+str(hds)+". **")
def final():
global fns
global tdp
global psu
print("Calculating final score...")
fns = (cpus+gpus+hds+rams) #Final Score Formula
dvdtdp = float(input("How many optical drives do you have installed?"))
dvdtdp = dvdtdp*20 #1 ODD draws around 20 watts
fantdp = float(input("How many case fans do you have installed? (counting CPU cooler)"))
fantdp = fantdp*5 #1 120mm fan draws around 5 watts
usbtdp = float(input("How many USB ports does your computer have? (in total)"))
usbtdp = usbtdp*2.5 #USB can only pull 2.5 watts
tdp = (((cputdp+gputdp)*(4/5))+rtdp+hddtdp+ssdtdp+dvdtdp+fantdp+usbtdp)+50 #estimated max load TDP equation, the +50 watts is for the motherboard
psu = cputdp+gputdp+rtdp+hddtdp+ssdtdp+dvdtdp+usbtdp+50 #max spec TDP equation
print("** Your final score is... **")
print("** Your predicted maximum load wattage is... **")
print("** I would recommend using a power supply of at least "+str(psu)+" watts. **")
print("Thank you for using SPPC!")
print("Copyright NFR 2018")
again = input("Do you want to use the calculator again? Y/N")
if again == "Y":
#Copyright NFR 2018
答案 0 :(得分:1)
gpus = (((gc/400)+(gt/25)+(go/10)+(gm/1000)+(gb/30)+(gg*2)+(gmg/1000))*((gr/gn)/25)
gpus = (((gc/400)+(gt/25)+(go/10)+(gm/1000)+(gb/30)+(gg*2)+(gmg/1000))*((gr/gn)/25))
答案 1 :(得分:1)