
时间:2018-02-14 18:47:51

标签: go



package main

import (

var (
  filename  string

func isCommentOrBlank(line string) bool {
  return strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") || "" == strings.TrimSpace(line)

func fileExists(filename string) bool {
  if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
    return true
  return false

func limitLength(s string, length int) string {
  if len(s) < length {
    return s
  return s[:length]

func padWithSpace(str, pad string, length int) string {
    for {
        str += pad
        if len(str) > length {
            return str[0:length]

func ingest(filename string) (err error) {
  file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR, 0644)
  defer file.Close()

  if err != nil {
    return err

  reader := bufio.NewReader(file) // Start reading from the file with a reader.

  for {
    var buffer bytes.Buffer
    var l []byte
    var isPrefix bool

    for {
      l, isPrefix, err = reader.ReadLine()
      if !isPrefix {

    if err == io.EOF || err != nil {

    line    := buffer.String()
    pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`^#([^=]+)=(.+)$`)
    matches := pattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1) // matches is [][]string

    for _, string := range matches {
      n := strings.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(string[1]), "#", "", -1)
      v := strings.TrimSpace(string[2])
      e := strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(n, ".", "/", -1))

      // newline creation for if block
      nl := "{{if exists \"/" + e + "\" -}}\n"
      nl += padWithSpace(n, " ", 80) + "= {{getv \"/" + e + "\" \"" + v + "\"}}\n"
      nl += "{{end -}}\n"

    // dont proccess comments
    if (isCommentOrBlank(line)) {
      if (!strings.Contains(line, "=")) {
        file.WriteString(line + "\n")
    } else {
      a := strings.Split(line, "=")
      n := strings.TrimSpace(a[0])
      v := strings.TrimSpace(a[1])
      e := strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(n, ".", "/", -1))
      file.WriteString(padWithSpace(n, " ", 80) + "= {{getv \"/" + e + "\" \"" + v + "\"}}\n")


  if err != io.EOF {
    fmt.Printf(" > Failed!: %v\n", err)

func main() {
  flag.StringVar(&filename, "f", "filename", "The file location to be parsed")

  if !fileExists(filename) {
    fmt.Println(" > File does not exist\n")



# The file contains the properties for Chaos Monkey.
# see documentation at:
# https://github.com/Netflix/SimianArmy/wiki/Configuration

# let chaos run
simianarmy.chaos.enabled = true

# don't allow chaos to kill (ie dryrun mode)
simianarmy.chaos.leashed = true

# set to "false" for Opt-In behavior, "true" for Opt-Out behavior
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.enabled = false

# uncomment this line to use tunable aggression
#simianarmy.client.chaos.class = com.netflix.simianarmy.tunable.TunablyAggressiveChaosMonkey

# default probability for all ASGs
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Strategies
simianarmy.chaos.shutdowninstance.enabled = true
simianarmy.chaos.blockallnetworktraffic.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.burncpu.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.killprocesses.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.nullroute.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.failapi.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildns.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildynamodb.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.fails3.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkcorruption.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networklatency.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkloss.enabled = false

# Force-detaching EBS volumes may cause data loss
simianarmy.chaos.detachvolumes.enabled = false

# FillDisk fills the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume.  See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.burnio.enabled = false
# BurnIO causes disk activity on the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume. See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.filldisk.enabled = false

# Where we know the chaos strategy will incur charges, we won't run it unless burnmoney is true.
simianarmy.chaos.burnmoney = false

# enable a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.enabled = true
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit for a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Enroll in mandatory terminations.  If a group has not had a
# termination within the windowInDays range then it will terminate
# one instance in the group with a 0.5 probability (at some point in
# the next 2 days an instance should be terminated), then
# do nothing again for windowInDays.  This forces "enabled" groups
# that have a probability of 0.0 to have terminations periodically.
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.windowInDays = 32
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.defaultProbability = 0.5

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.notification.enabled = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification sent to for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.ownerEmail = foo@bar.com

# Set the source email that sends the termination notification
# simianarmy.chaos.notification.sourceEmail = foo@bar.com

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for all instance groups
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.enabled = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification is sent to for all instance groups
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.receiverEmail = foo@bar.com

# Set a prefix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.prefix = SubjectPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.suffix =  \ SubjectSuffix

# Set a prefix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.prefix = BodyPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.suffix =  \ BodySuffix

# Enable the email subject to be the same as the body, to include terminated instance and group information
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.isBody = true
#set the tag filter on the ASGs to terminate only instances from the ASG with the this tag key and value
#simianarmy.chaos.ASGtag.key = chaos_monkey
#simianarmy.chaos.ASGtag.value = true


# The file contains the properties for Chaos Monkey.
# see documentation at:
# https://github.com/Netflix/SimianArmy/wiki/Configuration

# let chaos run
simianarmy.chaos.enabled = true

# don't allow chaos to kill (ie dryrun mode)
simianarmy.chaos.leashed = true

# set to "false" for Opt-In behavior, "true" for Opt-Out behavior
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.enabled = false

# uncomment this line to use tunable aggression
#simianarmy.client.chaos.class = com.netflix.simianarmy.tunable.TunablyAggressiveChaosMonkey

# default probability for all ASGs
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Strategies
simianarmy.chaos.shutdowninstance.enabled = true
simianarmy.chaos.blockallnetworktraffic.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.burncpu.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.killprocesses.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.nullroute.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.failapi.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildns.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildynamodb.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.fails3.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkcorruption.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networklatency.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkloss.enabled = false

# Force-detaching EBS volumes may cause data loss
simianarmy.chaos.detachvolumes.enabled = false

# FillDisk fills the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume.  See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.burnio.enabled = false
# BurnIO causes disk activity on the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume. See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.filldisk.enabled = false

# Where we know the chaos strategy will incur charges, we won't run it unless burnmoney is true.
simianarmy.chaos.burnmoney = false

# enable a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.enabled = true
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit for a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Enroll in mandatory terminations.  If a group has not had a
# termination within the windowInDays range then it will terminate
# one instance in the group with a 0.5 probability (at some point in
# the next 2 days an instance should be terminated), then
# do nothing again for windowInDays.  This forces "enabled" groups
# that have a probability of 0.0 to have terminations periodically.
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.windowInDays = 32
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.defaultProbability = 0.5

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.notification.enabled = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification sent to for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.ownerEmail = foo@bar.com

# Set the source email that sends the termination notification
# simianarmy.chaos.notification.sourceEmail = foo@bar.com

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for all instance groups
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.enabled = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification is sent to for all instance groups
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.receiverEmail = foo@bar.com

# Set a prefix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.prefix = SubjectPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.suffix =  \ SubjectSuffix

# Set a prefix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.prefix = BodyPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separa# The file contains the properties for Chaos Monkey.
# see documentation at:
# https://github.com/Netflix/SimianArmy/wiki/Configuration

# let chaos run
simianarmy.chaos.enabled                                                        = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/enabled" "true"}}

# don't allow chaos to kill (ie dryrun mode)
simianarmy.chaos.leashed                                                        = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/leashed" "true"}}

# set to "false" for Opt-In behavior, "true" for Opt-Out behavior
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.enabled                                                    = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/enabled" "false"}}

# uncomment this line to use tunable aggression
{{if exists "/simianarmy/client/chaos/class" -}}
simianarmy.client.chaos.class                                                   = {{getv "/simianarmy/client/chaos/class" "com.netflix.simianarmy.tunable.TunablyAggressiveChaosMonkey"}}
{{end -}}

# default probability for all ASGs
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.probability                                                = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/probability" "1.0"}}

# increase or decrease the termination limit
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.maxTerminationsPerDay                                      = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/maxterminationsperday" "1.0"}}

# Strategies
simianarmy.chaos.shutdowninstance.enabled                                       = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/shutdowninstance/enabled" "true"}}
simianarmy.chaos.blockallnetworktraffic.enabled                                 = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/blockallnetworktraffic/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.burncpu.enabled                                                = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/burncpu/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.killprocesses.enabled                                          = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/killprocesses/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.nullroute.enabled                                              = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/nullroute/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.failapi.enabled                                                = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/failapi/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.faildns.enabled                                                = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/faildns/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.faildynamodb.enabled                                           = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/faildynamodb/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.fails3.enabled                                                 = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/fails3/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.networkcorruption.enabled                                      = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/networkcorruption/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.networklatency.enabled                                         = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/networklatency/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.networkloss.enabled                                            = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/networkloss/enabled" "false"}}

# Force-detaching EBS volumes may cause data loss
simianarmy.chaos.detachvolumes.enabled                                          = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/detachvolumes/enabled" "false"}}

# FillDisk fills the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume.  See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.burnio.enabled                                                 = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/burnio/enabled" "false"}}
# BurnIO causes disk activity on the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume. See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.filldisk.enabled                                               = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/filldisk/enabled" "false"}}

# Where we know the chaos strategy will incur charges, we won't run it unless burnmoney is true.
simianarmy.chaos.burnmoney                                                      = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/burnmoney" "false"}}

# enable a specific ASG
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/enabled" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.enabled                                          = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/enabled" "true"}}
{{end -}}
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/probability" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.probability                                      = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/probability" "1.0"}}
{{end -}}

# increase or decrease the termination limit for a specific ASG
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/maxterminationsperday" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.maxTerminationsPerDay                            = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/asg/<asgname>/maxterminationsperday" "1.0"}}
{{end -}}

# Enroll in mandatory terminations.  If a group has not had a
# termination within the windowInDays range then it will terminate
# one instance in the group with a 0.5 probability (at some point in
# the next 2 days an instance should be terminated), then
# do nothing again for windowInDays.  This forces "enabled" groups
# that have a probability of 0.0 to have terminations periodically.
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.enabled                                   = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/mandatorytermination/enabled" "false"}}
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.windowInDays                              = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/mandatorytermination/windowindays" "32"}}
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.defaultProbability                        = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/mandatorytermination/defaultprobability" "0.5"}}

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for a specific instance group
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/<grouptype>/<groupname>/notification/enabled" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.notification.enabled                   = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/<grouptype>/<groupname>/notification/enabled" "true"}}
{{end -}}

# Set the destination email the termination notification sent to for a specific instance group
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/<grouptype>/<groupname>/owneremail" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.ownerEmail                             = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/<grouptype>/<groupname>/owneremail" "foo@bar.com"}}
{{end -}}

# Set the source email that sends the termination notification
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/sourceemail" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.sourceEmail                                       = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/sourceemail" "foo@bar.com"}}
{{end -}}

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for all instance groups
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/global/enabled" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.enabled                                    = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/global/enabled" "true"}}
{{end -}}

# Set the destination email the termination notification is sent to for all instance groups
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/global/receiveremail" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.global.receiverEmail                              = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/global/receiveremail" "foo@bar.com"}}
{{end -}}

# Set a prefix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/subject/prefix" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.prefix                                    = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/subject/prefix" "SubjectPrefix"}}
{{end -}}

# Set a suffix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/subject/suffix" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.suffix                                    = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/subject/suffix" "\ SubjectSuffix"}}
{{end -}}

# Set a prefix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
{{if exists "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/body/prefix" -}}
simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.prefix                                       = {{getv "/simianarmy/chaos/notification/body/prefix" "BodyPrefix"}}
{{end -}}

# Set a suffix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separa

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